marks and spencers nursing bras


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2005
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Just had to write and say how fab these are. I had some others which were ok but I hated the shape they gave me and the straps were uncomfortable. Went to M&S yesterday and got measured. The strps are so comfy and supportive and the material is really nice so I definately recommend these.

I used those too they were great :D
I saw them when I was over in the UK last year... think they were £25 for 2. Wish I had bought some.... :(

Emilia xx
I got measured in there and they said I was a 36D, yet the bra I bought keeps riding up my back and is really uncomfy :( All my other ones that I bought myself in bigger cups are really comfy though :) I bought a new nursing bra in Mothercare yesterday after measuring myself as a 36DD with the tape in there and it feels really supportive and comfy.
M & S are absolute rubbish at measuring, well at least the woman was who measured me! She said I was a 34D, I ended up with a 34G :shock:
she admitted she got it wrong when I questioned her about it. I couldn't even fit my nipple in a 34D at the time, I was HUGE!!!
I got these last time in anticipation of bf but it never worked out but I have worn them for most of this pg because my others are underwired and they are comfy and discreet.
M+S told me i was too big for their nursing bra's!!!!!!
im normally a 36e but they didnt have any to fit me!, my boobs werent much bigger than usual.. I ended up using my normal bra's and popped boobie over the top! They were much more supportive than any nursing bra's i tried
when i measured myself i read the back of a bra pack and it says to measure under your boobs (34) and add 4 inches... so i ended up with a 38 B .... it does fit lovely but i was so shocked i was a 38???!!! why add inches??


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