March mummy's - how are you feeling?

Ewww don't! I had one when I was pg about a midget doing unmentionables to me, it still makes me ill thinking about it!
Hi Ladies

I have been fine apart from feeling really drained. No sickness as of yet but I'm sure I'll have it soon!!

well my mornign sickness finally seems to be easing up a bit.....

still don't feel 100% but so much better than I have been these last few weeks..

Still very tired all the time, just aobut manage being on my feet all day for a full days work and then collapse at home in the evening unable to do much more than change the tv channels :lol: :lol:

OH has been brilliant so far and done all the housework, cooking, washing etc..........

hope everyone else is well and happy

Hi, I am due on the 3 March. M/S kicked in at 6 weeks, since then I've really struggled to eat as all food turns my stomach from am to pm. My breasts are really tender and I have been absolutely exhausted. I've had a couple of scares, I've been bleeding throughout the pregnancy, last thursday I had to go to hospital as I thought I was having a M/C. Luckily everything was fine and you could see a really strong heartbeat which was good news. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed now that everything goes to plan and on the 3 March me and my partner have a beautiful healthy baby in our arms.

Can't wait. It is so hard keeping it a secret from everyone at work, espicially while I'm feeling so sick.
these past two days i have been so sick and feel really rough. :cry: like you say bexie all food is turning my stomach even swallowing water is a chore, :puke: :puke: i have been in bed for two days all day as only lying flat helps, i feel so ungrateful and miserable :roll:
It's nice to know that I am not alone in feeling so lousy. In the last couple of days my appetite seems to be slowly coming back, although I have to eat bland boring food otherwise I'll be heaving. I feel sorry for my partner, he has been doing everything around the house as I have no energy to do any housework, the desire to cook has completely gone. He's been a real star looking after me. I can't wait to get back to normal through so I have the energy to just do something simply like get the hoover out!!!! (Maybe I'm secretly lazy!!!!!)
I feel tired and a bit nauseous, guess I have plenty of time for it to develop into full on sickness!
Hi All

My due date is 28th March according to the books, but I haven't seen anyone yet. First scan at 7 weeks in 9 days time and I can't wait - seems like forever for the days to pass.

No M/S at all, but a bit tired and grouchy, boobs not too sore either - in fact I started to think I wasn't preggers at all so bought another test this morning - relieved to see a very strong dark blue line.

I'm secretly hoping for twins as we had to have fertility treatment and I don't want to have to go through that again......

Anyone else on fertlity drugs out there?

T-ray and pip(s)
Hi T-ray and Pip(s)

Hope that your scan goes well hon :) Not on fertility drugs but I know that would increase your chances of having Pips x lots!

I did another test this morning aswell :oops: It seems I still have a peestick addiction even after getting my BFP :oops:
welcome t-ray congratulations on your pregnancy, wonderful news hope all goes well for you xx :wave:
Hi Everyone,
Glad to hear most of you are well. Congratulations to those of youwho have just got your BFP.
I still have no sickness (sorry to all those who are suffering!!) but have done lots and lots of tests and still get the strong blue line so am trying not to worry.
We have got an early scan next Wednesday so hopefully we will see our little one and that will make us feel much better. We are hoping that the rest of this week and the beginning of next week goes quick.
I am also feeling a little less tired but I am putting that down to the fact that we are on school holidays and I am not rushing around as much.
Hi Paulaws
we must have the same due date as we are both 8 weeks and 2 days today! let me know how you get on with your scan. how are you feeling?
i am soooooooooooo tired still and feel sick a lot (havent been sick yet) haevnt really had sore babylons yet, though they are HUGE. gone off different foods and lots of things suddenly smell vile, like alcohol. i sleep when i get home and then i feel sick when i wake up! have had diorehea quite a bit and sharp pains up my bottom (far up) which can be worrying when you arent sure whether it is coming from the front or back! oh the joys of pregnancy!
Laura xxx
Hi paula nice to hear from you haven't seen you on here for a while. :wave: lucky you getting an early scan i bet you can't wait still waiting for my date to come through!! :bored:

Any one else showing all ready?

I am 9 wks and showing, seems early to me

Nim x
Yup I am, midwife told me its normal in people who have had children before (I'm not convinced and think its twins!)

This is my first. Twins may be. Bit spooky, both my 2 friends who are pregent are having twins

im not showing just feel fat!! but stomach is getting harder!! :shakehead:

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