Man Flu


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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Urghh….. My OH has a severe case of Man Flu!!!! To be honest it is a bad cold, but he kept me awake all night coughing and sneezing and sniffing! And now I think I am coming down with it! So nice of him to share!!!
I cant even take decongestant like him! I have stocked up on olbas oil and parcetamol! and mansized tissues!!!
join the voice is similar to good old phyllis who used to be on Coronation Street :roll:
poor you, typical bloke!

:hug: :hug:

You can take a nasal spray. I had pregnancy rhinitus with all three pregnancies and I used Sinex the whole time. It was either that or not be able to breath at all. As long as you use sparingly it's fine.

Hope you feel better soon..... :hug: :hug: :hug:
There so considerate arent they!! my oh came round at 5 yesterday after work and i looked after him cos his temperature was raging and he was coughing and everything, NOW I WOKE UP WITH IT! i feel like rubbish!! and THEN he sends me a text saying thanks babe i feel much better!! xx yeh well i dont!!
Hope all those with colds feel better soon :hug:

Also hope all those with colds keep them to themselves, I don't want another one :D
gemmap27 said:
I cant even take decongestant like him! I have stocked up on olbas oil and parcetamol! and mansized tissues!!!

I found that propping myself up on 4 pillows and smothering my nose and chest in vicks vapour rub is quite good...unfortunately with my extra sensitive nasal tubes I can't blow too hard at the moment as it tends to make my nose bleed. :?
i've just got over the flu... i went to the docs and got some antibiotics.. i was told that nasals sprays are not recommended as some have ephredine (or something that sounds like that).. in them which speeds up your heart.. i just lived on paracetamol.. had DH rubbing vicks on me all the time :) and loads of lockets.....
Oooo im dreading getting poorly and not being able to take anything! Have you tried honey & lemon thats ment to be good although I hate lemon :lol:

Hope your feeling better soon & hope your man gets over his 'man flu' hehe
well I suppose at least he's erm.... "ill"??

Its better than the Monday Man Flu my OH gets... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Squiglet said:
well I suppose at least he's erm.... "ill"??

Its better than the Monday Man Flu my OH gets... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Otherwise known as 'beer flu' by any chance? :lol:
Nah.. beer don't come into it.. it's very much.. "I-really-don't-want-to-go-to-work-today" flu....where the stress of the thought of it makes him physically sick.. :roll:
Got a better nights sleep last night - dosed him up on night nurse!
He slept through till about 4 and started coughing - but I was wide awake anyway. But at least I got a few hours of decent sleep!
I feel a bit stuffy and headachy but Im hoping thats as bad as it gets!

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