Mamas & Papas Ultima 8 in 1 & MPX Chassis with Surefix Base?


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2008
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Does anyone have this/Had it for LO?

I'm just wondering what it is like as this is the one we have decided on (although we have a back-up plan) basically what I'm looking for is

Does it las like they say it does?

How long does it last LO as actual pram before changing to pushchair

Is it worth the money (my nan and grandad are adamant that they are buying it so dont want them wasting their money)

Would you recommend it?

Do you need all the added accessories for it to "look OK" (girl in shop claims that without the changing bag and thicker cosy toes she would feel really cheap walking her child around in it)

any hep would be greatly appreciated ... 92/type-s/
i have this pram and i LOVE IT!!!!
mine still looks as new as it did 7months ago
my lo was in the pram until he was 4months but he is a big boy
most last in it until 6 months
once its changed too a pushchair it can still face you and lie flat like a pram
i didnt get the changing bag i didnt like it, i think the standard footmuff came with it and it doesnt look cheap at all
I have it and in that colourway, but with the x cel chassis, I really love it but do feel as tho i have wasted a lot of money.

Ive just had to send the chassis back to be fixed :o and ive only been using it since March
I had it for my daughter (minus all the stands etc they didnt come with them then) I loved it! My daughter used the carrycot until she was about 6 months!
I didnt get the bag or footmuff! It comes with an apron! You really dont need all the "extras"
I wanted to show you this!

Though it may be of some use as its a lot cheaper on there!! :D

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