Make it stop!


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2007
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Its like nails down a blackboard to me :shock:

LO has four teeth through. Two top, two bottom. And since the top ones came through all he does when not yabbering, chewing, drooling, laughing, crying, eating, drinking or yelling is


It makes me cringe every time. As its front ones is totally different to back ones being ground.

I don't recall babies I've looked after being this bad. He's been going on for days like it.

Anyone elses LO been busy doing this and did it take long to stop?
alice does this at night. :wall:

i tend o find it is if she has lost her dummy and she hasn't got anything to chew on anymore.
connor went through a phase of it too - its awful.... :evil: :evil:

i bought him some bikkiepegs and attached them to his jumper in the hope that he'd chomp on them instead - it sort of worked.

i think he did it for about 2/3 weeks and thankfully hasn't done it since.
Ooh its funny you have said this. Now that one of Calleighs top teeth are through i have noticed her grinding it against the bottom ones :?
This however has no effect on me whatsoever luckily as OH is a teeth grinder (when asleep) so i am kinda numb to the sound :lol:
Oh no we are getting the top teeth right now, i dont want grinding.

Kaira done this after she got her top teeth in - horrible!!

she did stop doing it eventually.
harrison has been doing it for months, goes right through me :talkhand:
:lol: I was going to post the same thing
Collier has his top 4 teeth and bottom 4 teeth and he grinds them together is driving me nuts :shakehead:
wish hes stop it he also liked to click his teeth with his nails and click his tounge between the gap in his to top teeth

annoying :x :x :x :x :x
My LO does this too. She's been doing it for weeks since her top tooth came through. I hope she stops it soon!
Oh no. No no NO.


OH grinds in his sleep, and it makes me feel sick. Here's to hoping Sprog never gets top teeth.

It's horrible isn't it! James did it but only for about a week, then seemed to stop completely. He's only got 4 teeth (at a year!) but weirdly started grinding long after they were all in. i suspected he'd just worked out how to do book (very rarely looked at!) said it could be stress, but he's very chilled out so I didn't think it was that. Hope Galen stops soon!
James did this when he first got his top and bottom 2. It made me feeel soooooo :puke: :puke: :puke: I used to squeal everytime he did it. He now only does it occasionally thank heavens.

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