Maisie is on strike !

Elfs Mummy

Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2010
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Normaly every night since she was 4 weeks she has been in the same routine bath, bottle, bed now she's on strike she is refusing the bottle and screaming blue murder till she gets the breast. She gags and fights the bottle so i've just given up tonight and now she's on sleep strike she just won't sleep am at a loss what am i meant to do ?
G has had a couple of periods like that, refusing the bottle and only wanting boob. Last time was because he had a blocked nose- she might just be feeling a bit under the weather and only want her mummy. I just kept offering bottle and after a few days he took to it again-frustrating though!
That might be it she was croupy for a few days and now has a cough really hope she comes out the other end im shattered ! thabks x
Just stick with it, I found it really annoying that he would scream at the bottle but he's back on it fine-he only has a little bit every evening but I need him to be able to feed from bottle so that I can leave him with DH when he gets back and I can have a break after 7months :) hope she is feeling better and back on the bottle quickly.
Could be that's she's uncomfortable due to a growth spurt. Also she could be teething....I son mean she will get teeth soon, but they may be moving around. Both o these would explain why she is looking for comfort.

Evie has just done all of the above...teeth had started to cut through, but have gone back down now. She is back to eating normally now.x

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