Breastfeeding at 16+ months

Lola's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2007
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I'm not sure what's going on with Lola lately :?

She hasn't been eating well for the last month or so :(

She hasn't been eating any of her meals no matter how hard i try or what i offer? She seems ok within herself but she's just never hungry.

She's has been breastfeeding quite a lot though. I'd say at least 4-5 times a day as well as through the night (we co-sleep). I've been weighing her as i've been worried and she's put on 4lbs in the last month. She very active so i don't think her weight gain is a problem.

I'm just worried about her not eating as surely she needs more than just breastmilk at 16+ months? At first i thought she was maybe getting ready to wean from the breast but now i'm just confused :?

I'm now thinking it could just be a phase? Has anyone else experienced anything like this? It's like she's on strike :lol:

My HV isn't worth asking, She doesn't have a clue :roll:
Seren did have days where she ate less and fed more from me - usually when the back teeth were errupting,though she never completely went off solids. Is Lola teething??

Good to see you back on here :)
Thanks hun! :D

I don't think she's teething atm although i will check her gums tomorrow for bumps :hug:
I didn't think Alex was teething either but we found two new teeth the day before yesterday! I was stunned.

Mind you he never had very many in the first place. He's now got 9 including his new ones. How many does Lola have?

I've just recently stopped co-sleeping with Alex (only started putting him in his cot 5 days ago), and I noticed as of the past 2 days his appetite for normal food has increased. I'm still breastfeeding him, but now I'm just feeding him once when he wakes up, once just before his nap, and once just before bed. As opposed to before when I was like you, I was co-sleeping with him and he was chowing down on mama-buffet all night whenever he felt like it.

I'm really pleased that his appetite for food has picked up because he's always been a really terrible eater. Yesterday he ate fruit for breakfast, meatballs and mash for lunch (with a little bit of chocolate mousse for dessert), and then chicken, chips, and peas for dinner with ice cream afterwards.
I was stunned. He's never eaten that much in a single day before.
I checked her gums today and i can't feel anything. She has 12 teeth so far, 6 on the top and 6 at the bottom :)

Sounds like Alex did really well yesterday :cheer:

I've thought about stopping the co-sleeping. We both still really enjoy it though so i don't think we're ready yet.
She does go in her own bed for a few hours. She normally goes to sleep at about 8pm then wakes up at either 1am or 4am depending on if she's had a nap in the day time or not.

She has done a bit better today though. So far she's eaten a quarter of a banana and a piece of cheese this morning. At lunch we had scrambled eggs on toast but she only ate half a slice of toast and licked some of the egg :roll: I pretty sure she didn't eat any, just kept licking it :lol:
She also had 2 breastfeeds so far.
I know it's still not enough but i suppose it's better than nothing.

I'll let you know if she eats anything at tea time.

I think if she won't eat in her highchair i might try sitting with her on my knee and sharing from my plate? Do you think this might work :think:
Lola's Mummy said:
I think if she won't eat in her highchair i might try sitting with her on my knee and sharing from my plate? Do you think this might work :think:

It's certainly worth a try.

If it's any consolation Alex has reverted back to eating very little again today :wall: Half an apple for breakfast, and a slice of bread and 2 chips for lunch. He wouldn't touch his tomato soup, and even refused his petit filou. Gah :wall:
I can't be of much help now but I read some study the other day that showed that after a year the fat content in breastmilk increases so I guess it is still extremely nourishing and designed for your baby.

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