

Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2010
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Is anyone else bloody huge?!! I've still got 7 weeks to go but I'm huge. Went to breastfeeding class yesterday and the three others there wer due in the next week or so, and I was easily the same size as them! Also, been asked several times if I've been told I'm having a big baby!!!

Nobody has mentioned a big baby, midwife just says I'm measuring fine. I'm starting to think I'm going to give birth to a whale, or just that I am a whale!!!
Well you can't be that oversized if midwife says you are measuring fine! I've been told my baby is big and midwife said I was a little large for my dates - I think I've had a growth spurt over the last few weeks because before that I was always pretty small. It must be that you just feel mahoosive and maybe think you are the same size as those other know us ladies always think we are fatter than we actually are! xxx
I feel HUGE too, mw said to the student mw when she was measuring the fundal height "don't worry Helen's bump has always measured a bit bigger" Although no one has mentioned anything about a big baby. People keep pointing out how big I am thought lol.

i feel like ive gotton massive over the last week or so! My OH took a photo of me yesterday and i was so shocked by how big ive gotton :-( and i seem to be putting weight not just on my bump but elsewhere too as up to now mu bumps been quite neat.

Also to add insult to injury i got up in the night for a wee last night and sat down and broke the bloody toilet seat!! My flat is going to be destroyed if i get much bigger lol! x
i feel huge but measuring small no idea how lol, even my family and friend say i am big. I will take a picture later i have a picture of me at 33 weeks with my last pregnancy it will be interting to see if i am bigger or just feel it. I did measure big with my 1st though and he was only 5lb 12 so doesn;t neccessarily mean you having a whale lol.
I do feel big, but I thought I was about on track. I got asked how long Ive got left in Tesco yesterday and yet again I got told there's 'no way I'll go another 6 weeks!' - This is about the tenth stranger who has pointed this out to me! Im starting to panic as OH is going to America with work on Sat for 2 weeks and I don't want to go into labour while he's away xx
I must say that I have been feeling MASSIVE this last week or so.......and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror at Next yesterday and was shocked at how bloody huge I am!! I can't believe I still have 2 months to go am actually quite scared about how much bigger I can get because I'm feeling really stiff and uncomfortable already!! Eeeeeek!!! xxx
I feel quite small bumpwise, mainly cos there's a woman at my work due day before me who is MASSIVELY bigger, and compared to peoples lovely bumps on the bump thread - I think I mainly still look more fat than pregnant. A woman who works in the garage was asking me earlier on how long I've got left to go though and was shocked when I said still 11 1/2 weeks - very confusing!

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