lying ppl piss me right off


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2011
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had a car accident over a year ago, all settled as a 50/50 fault claim, got some compo etc and today i get a big stack of paperwork delivered to my mums house, for a Mr Bev Greenbank, stating the 'He' was driving without due care blah blah blah and basically trying to get me to give this woman 3 grand or so just cos shes suddenly decided that im a. a man and b. the accident was my fault lol.

im a bit peeved to say the least. the claim was settled in april between our insurance companies and closed. i rang the insurance company and they just said to post it to them and they will sort it. i made a point of telling the woman on the phone i was 6 months preg. surely she cant go back and change her mind now?
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Lying *******s!!! Just after cash isn't she. If its closed then surely that's it?? xx

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you would think so. she states that it was totally my fault, that i was going too fast, that i was reversing onto a main road...
it was a y shaped close, id moved 5 ft max, wasnt more than 3 mile an hour. my car was written off and hers was a single scratch. she also says she was stationary after reversing off her driveway when i was already making a maneouver on the street when she hit me. basically a pack of lies.
she must be short of a bob or two...silly mare x
Im thinking that she wants money for christmas. As far as im aware though she can still claim for whiplash etc up to 5 years after an accident thanks to firms ringing up and telling them they can make claims. Its all wrong in my eyes.
tbh i couldnt give a crap about her claiming for whiplash or whatever but she cant change her story now to get more out of it as our insurances settled it as a 50 50 claim.
No way what a bitch, im sure once its been settled she cant go back and change her mind, Also if you were in a junction and she was reversing off a driveway she is in the wrong as its illegal to reverse off a driveway :) even if you were reversing she doesnt have a leg to stand on hun

Defo not a stress you need right now though, Also the fact that it says Mr if it went to court it would be trown out anyway lol
That must be so annoying, sorry she is putting you through this!

How rude of them to call you MR!

i was involved in a compo claim, not the same type i was in a car going too fast hit a tree; no other cars involved but my claim went on for ages and settled 3 years later and i was told once you settle you can't claim for anything else unless different claims mean different things???

My guess is its money for christmas or she has been talking to friends and has been told she has a case to get a few quid off you so is giving it a try!
Either way shitty thing to do and i hope it can be sorted and put to rest as soon as possible! xxx
Ooo youve hit a nerve with me on this one and totally on your side!!

I got a letter from my insurance company back in march saying id hit someone "while his car was parked and unattended" They were claiming off me wouldnt mind but my car was off the road on that day!!! Taken me til now to sort it

Hope you get sorted with it all def dont need the stress xx
Lying *******s :( I'd go to the police with proof that the claim has already been settled, see her squirm out of that one. XXX
There's a lot of scams going round with these bloody ambulance chasers. Let your insurance company deal with it, they'd be the ones paying out anyway. She can't privately sue you hunny as the insurance claim would be in full and final payment so don't worry about it. I hate things like this lol xxxxxxx
Definatly leave it to your insurance, that's what you pay them for don't stress as its not worth it xx
yeah im not stressing so to speak. just highly pissed me off that shes so stupid. i mean i wouldnt mind, i know it wont cost me nowt and she has every right to claim some money etc but i got only half what i claimed cos it was 50 50 and so shes only entitled to the same. and since shes lying and trying to con more shes just gonna look stupid when my old insurers point out all the discrepancies from the origional paperwork they took to do the case with. if she wanted me to take full blame then she should have done it at the time as id have told her to do one. she reversed off her driveway into me mid maneouver so really if i wanted to be a bitch i could have claimed no responsibility...

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