Lydia's birthday approaching and we're broke


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2006
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well, we've just been hit by a big bill that we just weren't expecting at the moment, and basically it means we're broke. Totally broke.
It's Lydia's birthday next week and we wanted to buy her something like a bike - no way we're going to be able to afford that now.

So I was thinking we could probably stretch to a tenner or £15 at the most - it seems pathetic I know - I don't want her to be disappointed - but I suppose logically I know she's only 3, and often even cheap presents amuse young children.

I had a thought of buying her this : ... ref=Search

but I have a sneaky suspicion I would just be encouraging her to smash her head open or something lol. Does anybody have any other suggestions?

I'm kind of glad I didn't end up spending a great deal on my dad's birthday yesterday (I bought him pyjamas and slippers which came to £10) because if I had spent £30 like I had originally planned to, I wouldn't be able to get Lydia anything!!

Don't you just hate it when bills hit you at the most INCONVENIENT time!?
I hate bills

We got our Npower bill who have estimated that we are going to use x amount of gas and electricity and therefore they are upping our monthly direct debit from £74 to £143 -WHAT? I dont think so.....

Im sure Lydia will be happy with whatever you get her
I really feel for ya :hug: . But you are right when you say they have no concept of the value of presents at that age. I am sure you will come up with the perfect thing and the bike can wait until cash flow is better. We have stopped buying our kids birthday cards as they get so many anyway and they don't really care about them, so that saves us another £2-3 a time as well :) !

Have you a car boot sale local to you? Last time I went to one I picked up a selection of things that I'm saving for Christmas, including books, games and dvds and I spent less than £20 :dance: . It sounds a bit cheapskate, but often kids grow out of things before they actually wear out, or people sell unwanted presents in brand new condition.

I am sure she will be spoiled by friends and family too. Don't give yourself a hard time about it :hug: x
why not buy lots of small presents? Seren just loves things like pencils, colouring books etc and would be happier with those then a big present. Or perhaps something to make her day special - I know Seren loves being a princess for the day, she likes putting new clips on her hair,has her princess bubble bath, puts on her princess crown on (£2.49 from Ikea) and generally lord it over us all day. It is a cliche but it is so true, money doesn't buy you happiness but lots of lovely childhood memories go a long way.

Seren has a spacehopper ad loves it. She has fallen off a few times but hasn't hurt herself.
beanie said:
why not buy lots of small presents? Seren just loves things like pencils, colouring books etc and would be happier with those then a big present.

I used to make xmas boxes up for my cousions - loads of little toys. used to wrap them all up and then put them in a huge box, filled with shreaded paper and they use to spend ages unwrapping them all!

plan to do the same with alice when she is a little bit older and understands
i sure she will love whatever u get her, shes too young to realise how much things cost etc so dnt worry about it!

but its true what u say about bills comin when u least want them :roll: :talkhand:
How about as Beanie suggests and lots of little things.

Could you get her like a mini baking kit and then spend the day with her baking fairy cakes or cookies and decorating them all.

If you want to get the hopper, Arianna has one and she is a year younger than Lydia and she is fine on it.
how about going to a local car boot this weekend coming , you;d be amazed what you can get for a tenner and i recon even a bike ?!
...or put a "wanted" on Freecycle for a kiddies bike?
im sure whatever you buy she will love it.have you tried ebay?local freeads?theres often good sales on about now as the shops want to get xmas stuff in.

bills!dont!ive just had to pay to get my exhaust fixed on my car 80squid! :shock:
and npower have upped my bill to 123 a month instead of 60! :shock: :evil: :shock: :evil:
Have you got a local poundland? I do it most years get to bulk up present bundles but you could easily get lots of fun toys / dress up kits from there!

Or a crafty kit. A big wad of paper -lots of paints - felt etc?
The ideas mentioned above are great :D
Defo take a stroll round a car boot, there are so many bargains to be had there.
LilysMummy said:
Have you got a local poundland? I do it most years get to bulk up present bundles but you could easily get lots of fun toys / dress up kits from there!

Or a crafty kit. A big wad of paper -lots of paints - felt etc?

i was gonna say the pound land thing lol.
- when i was about 9 my mum used to give me £1-2 if we where in a town centre to spend in ppoundland lol - i used to love it cos out of everything in the toys isle i could pick somthing! Id spend ages choosing.

Maybe doing somthing like that, with like a fiver or somthing (give it to her in coins and tell her she can pick any 5 items) to a kid, they dont understand that the toys are actually very cheap - they think all thier dreams have come true lmao.
I was going to suggest car boots...but it seems i was beaten to it! Seriously though when i was little my mum and dad didnt have much money and i always remember getting so many presents. Turns out the car booted for some bargains and i was none the wiser! One year they got me a my little pony salon and stables with about 20 my little ponys for about a tenner...i loved it!
thanks ladies some great ideas there.

I did look in poundland but they don;t seem to have much that she would be interested in. Car boot sale is a good idea - or maybe charity shops. I shall definitely check them out.

Lots of small pressies sounds like a good idea too. She'll feel like she has lots to open then

Thanks again :hug:
Tangerinedream said: ... 244294.htm


Alice has one of these and she adores it!
God bills are crap!!! I live on my own with ryan and i got a £340 gas bill a few weeks back!!!!! I only use gas for the heating and i only have that on about 2 hours a week to dry washing as i live in a block of flats thats triple glazed so its boiling!! go figure that one!!

Have a look on ebay for bikes in ure area, or like gem said car boots are great or if you have a hawkins bizarre near you i find them fantastic!!!

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