lurking-time to stop!!


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2010
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well I think I have been lurking far too much and wanted to get involved so I'll try and post more!!
sounds like you are all doing fab and the little ones are gorgeous!

I posted loads in my last overdue weeks of pregnancy then kinda stopped. I htink the reason is prob that Owen was quite ill and we had quite a time of it, sitting down and explaining it all was too much for me to do! -I'll briefly explai now though :)

he got impetigo at 1 week old-pus filled spots all over his face, I had infection in section scar, was in bed for 4 days with fever. Antiviotics cleared Owen's spots but then he had massive pus build up under hi right check which was red and bulging, 3cm long, 1cm wide. more antibiotics didnt clear it, had 3 days in childrens waard with iv antibiotics. swab of him and me (my scar became infected again after seemed to heal) revealed we both had mrsa. sounded v scray at time but just another type of staph bacteria that causes these infections. Home with 3 types of antiobiotics and repeat swab showed it had gone. phew, thats about it! seems a LONG time ago now. but infact only really a few weeks. owen now 8 weeks old and doing great :) through it all he was pretty well and the infection was only superficial. he still has a little mark and hardening under his skin on the right side but fading well.

Amy x
Oh jeese, you've both been through the mill!! Glad you and Owen are doing well now. Welcome back! :yay:
wow, sorry to hear you had such a rough start! Really pleased things are OK now though, good to see you back! x
Sorry to hear that it must have been very worrying - glad to hear it has all cleared up and your on the mend. Hows your little man doing now?
Thanks for the replies guys. It's funny but it seems like a while ago and hard to remember, but it was horrid. Oh and totop it off I had a massive cold sore and they said don't kiss him as Lo can catch it, so there were no kisses for a week and a half :( made p for it though.

Owen doing really well now evajo-he's still massive! Am still bf, first few weeks were v v painful on the nips. He is quite a chilled out little man so hope he stays that way :)
Sounds like a hard time :hug:
Glad your both doing better :)

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