Lupus in pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2005
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Hi, I am pregnant again after three miscarriages the most recent one in August (and one successfull pregnancy previously, my son is now 2). I had blood tests after the last loss to find out why I keep miscarrying and one came back positive... Lupus (I can't remember the full name). I am yet to see the specialist and so far no one has explained what this means re the pregnancy. I have looked this up on the internet and have only succeeded in scaring myself terribly! I have been put on 75mg of asprin a day and I have got further this time than the others, I have had a scan this morning and am 6weeks 3days and there was a heartbeat :cheer: I so want to enjoy this pregnancy and start feeling a little positive but I am just finding it so hard not to panic. I just wondered if anyone else has this or knows anything at all about it and what the implications are on this pregnancy and my health long term.

Many thanks for reading. x
Hey bex,

Congratulations on your pregnancy!

I'm sorry I've no experience of this, but I just wanted to say I hope that everything works out well for you.

Valentine Xxx
just wanted to say congratulations and hope everything goes well for you hun.
:hug: :hug: :hug:

My Auntie has lupus, she managed to have my cousin OK, she was carefully monitored during her pregnancy and this was 21 years ago!

Have you seen a rheumatologist yet? they can do wonders nowadays and will probably put you on meds which are safe for you and the baby.

I know my Auntie controls it a lot with diet, there is stuff she doesn't eat like tomatoes and things.

I have something similar (rheumatoid arthritis) and have found the arthritis research campaign really helpful in providing good, clear and concise information. This is there leaflet on Lupus. :hug: :hug: :hug:

I hope you start to feel better soon, hopefully the rheumatologist will put your mind at rest.

Congrats on the pregnancy btw.
My Mum has lupus and I my sister and i arrived safely :)
Make sure yu see your GP/Consultant to get the appropriate advice

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