Lump on boob


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2007
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Hey ladies
Yesterday I was putting buttercream on as usual to try and keep those horrid stretchmarks at bay (working so far got no new ones YET :cheer: ).
While I was doing my breasts I felt a little hard lump :shock: Its not where all my fatty tissue is, you know where the breast feels full. Its just above. It doesnt hurt and the other one doesnt have antything. Do you think its a milk gland and if it was would it hurt? I am a little worried but dont want to panic.Thanks
Sherry xx
It could be... I am sure some one else posted recently saying they had the same thing and their midwife said it was OK. I would mention at your next appointment to put your mind at rest and try not to worry. :hug:
Could definitely be a milk gland or harmless swelling. Your breasts are going through a lot of changes right now. Mine are a bit lumpy too but it seems to be worse on some days than others.

When is your next check up? Mention it to the doc or MW I'm sure they'll reassure you it's ok. :)


Ive noticed this as well on one side but it did go away after a few days, sounds like it could be a milk gland, try not to worry :hug:
i think lumpy boobs are common during pregnancy, but its worth getting it checked anyway. :hug:
Hi ladies :wave:
Sorry havent replied my son has been poorly :( with high temp and headaches, so not slept which means I havent slept and have a cold myself. He seems a bit better now but his temp keeps going sky high. But it had taken my mind off of my boobs :rotfl:
I am going to wait till my appointment with my MW on 31st, My SIL also had the same thing and it turned out to be a milk gland that was blocked. Not worrying anymore I know our bodies like to make us panic while we are PG so will just roll with it.
Thanks for your replies
Sherry xx
Hi Sherry

If you have a blocked milk duct then that could get infected which is most painful. A blocked milk duct would usually be red and painful to touch, but if this is what it is you may be able to disperse the lump by placing a warm flannel on it and then massaging it.

If not, then it might be worth making a quick appointment to see your GP just to be on the safe side??

Sorry your son's been unwell and that you now have a cold - that must suck this late in pregnancy. Hope you're better soon.


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