Lower left pain


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2010
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Hi all,

Im about 4 weeks so only just pregnant and Im getting a strange feeling lower left side. I have IBS and it could just be wind but its a very strange feeling and a bit stabby at times. Ive googled and it seems normal for lots of women between 3 and 10 weeks but Im worrying myself sick. Has anyone else got it/had it and can explain?

Thankyou for replying. I hope it is just that as its and odd feeling. x
Oooh I haven't been on much lately so missed your BFP! Congrats!!
Don't worry too much about the weird twinges and odd pains - all normal. I had stitch type ones and there's lots of early threads from me worrying about the same thing. The only time to worry is if you have a bleed or pain so bad it takes your breath away and even then all can be fine. xx
Thanks Sunny, I love you LOL. Ive read loads of posts on other forums and stuff and its put my mind at rest a bit but its all these weird feeling that worry me. Ive got heartburn and have headache for days on and off too :(
its just your body making the baby hun and congrats to all new peeps on here xxx
I had a wierd pain, tugging, crampy thing on my left hand side from about 4/5 weeks to about 7 weeks it had me worried and I mentioned it when I had my early scan at 7 weeks and she couldnt see anything wrong and said it was most likely the ovary where the egg came from was probably the left one and the feeling was the ovary cist retracting again after it had done its job. Hope this helps put your mind at ease, but if it gets very very painful like a sharp pain instead of just a crampy ache then get it checked out!!
Congrats on your BFP!
I had pains very similar to this a week ago hon pretty sure they are stretching pains caused from all your ligaments and uterus expanding x x
Yes, I'm still getting some pretty sharp pains in my lower abdomen when I stand too quick, cough or sneeze. Really quite painful like the muscle has contracted really tight and I can't stretch out properly. I've had these since 8DPO and it was what made me test as I had them with Lennon too.
im also getting a few twinges and sometimes i get slight niggley cramps and im getting alot of back ache hun im sure its all normal x x
Hi, Cherrybinky. First of all congratulations for your pregnancy... I'm also 4 weeks pregnant and expecting my first baby around the same time as you are. So i thought idl share with you how i feel. i mainly feel cramping sometimes on the sides sometimes in the middle. I felt cramping constantly for two weeks after conception and now they starting to getting better. But I believe that is all to do with uterus preparing for the pregnancy. I've been at the doctor and he told me that I should be worried only if i have pain or bleeding. So all these weird and strange feelings it's just our body's reaction to the starting pregnancy.

All the best wishes to you!!!

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