

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2006
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What are your views on it, in relationship terms...

Obivously its an emotion, but do you think its an

Emotion We Can Do Without
Emotion Everyone Should Have

I just think its really powerful, if you fall in love and get hurt it can really tip your world upside down... It can either make you the happiest person in the world or the saddest..

When i speak to my friends i always warn them to be extra careful falling in love with someone, because it really can mess your head up if its with the wrong girl

What do you all think?

Should Love be banished or spread !
it should be definately be spread! As they say love makes the world go round and JMC you have still to experience the best kind of love there is from your baby. Just looking into their eyes and it bounces back at you!
I think you can be in love with loads of people through-out your life exs and current g/f or b/f etc. It just changes to fit different people. I can say that I have been in love with exs and that I love my OH but its a different kind of love I have for my partner, than what I had for a ex. I think love grows and gets stronger, but so does the bond between two people aswell. You begin to trust them more and your there for each other more as time goes on. Sorry I could go on about this forever, so ill stop now lol

Sorry have tried to stop myself but am going to add to this...

When you fall in love and get hurt its just one stage. You take what you learn from exs onto your new relationship. I think we fall deeper everytime we are with someone, up until we meet 'the one'

OH has told me to stop writting so im going to obay lol
lauramum01 said:
JMC you have still to experience the best kind of love there is from your baby. Just looking into their eyes and it bounces back at you!

I know, i think about that moment a lot, it would be amazing ! Your right it is a different kind of Love altogether!
violet-glow said:
I think you can be in love with loads of people through-out your life exs and current g/f or b/f etc. It just changes to fit different people. I can say that I have been in love with exs and that I love my OH but its a different kind of love I have for my partner, than what I had for a ex. I think love grows and gets stronger, but so does the bond between two people aswell. You begin to trust them more and your there for each other more as time goes on. Sorry I could go on about this forever, so ill stop now lol

Sorry have tried to stop myself but am going to add to this...

When you fall in love and get hurt its just one stage. You take what you learn from exs onto your new relationship. I think we fall deeper everytime we are with someone, up until we meet 'the one'

OH has told me to stop writting so im going to obay lol

You said you was in love with ex's

Just out of interested, do you think of them much. I dont mean in a way that you want to get back with them... i just mean in general

Like is their a difference in Loving someone and actually being IN Love with them..
JMC said:
violet-glow said:
I think you can be in love with loads of people through-out your life exs and current g/f or b/f etc. It just changes to fit different people. I can say that I have been in love with exs and that I love my OH but its a different kind of love I have for my partner, than what I had for a ex. I think love grows and gets stronger, but so does the bond between two people aswell. You begin to trust them more and your there for each other more as time goes on. Sorry I could go on about this forever, so ill stop now lol

Sorry have tried to stop myself but am going to add to this...

When you fall in love and get hurt its just one stage. You take what you learn from exs onto your new relationship. I think we fall deeper everytime we are with someone, up until we meet 'the one'

OH has told me to stop writting so im going to obay lol

You said you was in love with ex's

Just out of interested, do you think of them much. I dont mean in a way that you want to get back with them... i just mean in general

Like is their a difference in Loving someone and actually being IN Love with them..

I have been in love with ex's and I do still think about them sometimes, I was with one ex for ages and really loved him but it ended and he's the one I think about most. Part of me will always love him but im not actually in love with him if you get what I mean lol.

Rachel xx
is their a difference in Loving someone and actually being IN Love with them..

Yeah I think for me personally there is. I know that I am in love with my OH and will always have love for him, hes going to be the father of my child so to me he will always be in my heart. I think sometimes people misstake love and lust, spesh at the begining of a relationship. I do think about my exs from tiem to time, just wondering how they are and what they are doing kind of thing, but not in the way that I still want to be with them. I dont contat them because I dont feel as if you can be friends with an ex, because there is always going to be something between you. So I choose not to talk to them. I think people are always going to think about their exs, theres nothing wrong in that, because they were apart of your life at one point in time.

Sorry I go on alot dont I :oops:
Rachel said:
I have been in love with ex's and I do still think about them sometimes, I was with one ex for ages and really loved him but it ended and he's the one I think about most. Part of me will always love him but im not actually in love with him if you get what I mean lol.

Rachel xx

Yeh i understand, my girlfriend is the same. She was in love with another lad a few years back... Now she's in love with me... she told me that she still loves him and thinks about him and i got quite upset but she told me that theirs a difference in Loving someone and Being IN Love with someone

I still didn't quite understand but i kinda understand a bit better now from your post...

She's the first person ive ever really loved so its a bit confusin for me
at this presant time all i think about love is that it hurts and just leave su alone in the end (oh god n im only 18 lol)

hopefully a loving sexy man will be change my mind on that one hehe :wink:
god i would be lost without my other half

but love does definitly hurt :cry:
I had a feelin people would have mixed feelings about the subject of 'Love'

Its dangerous :shakehead:

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