Love film!


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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I just signed up to lovefilm. Im only working 2 days per week once I get this week over and done with so I thought Id get some films in to keep me occupied. I got 30 days free and aparently theyre gonna send me 2 free cinema tickets too :)

Can anyone recommend any good box sets or films I can watch?
i think man on fire is a brill film.
i love the holiday 2
can u cancel the register after? how much is it?
you can get different packages. I chose the cheapest, its 3.99 per month, you get one disc at a time and a max of 2 per month. There is one, 9.99 you get 1 at a time but its unlimited so as soon as you send one back they send another. You can cancel after the 30 days, kinds wish Id done the more expensive one now!!
I tried lovefilm a while ago but always found they never had my first choices available - this was a while ago though so maybe they're better now, but I always used to look forward to getting my first, maybe second choice on my list and would find they'd send out like, number 12 or something - I got pissed off and cancelled it in the end!
I am a huge fan of LoveFilm!!
Prison Break - seasons 1, 2 and 3 but then I am a complete Michael Schofield freak..

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