Lots of braxton hicks?


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2010
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When do you start to worry about the amount of braxton hicks you have :|? I have rather a few in the past hour, is that good or bad :eh:?
Yep BH are great sign more the better and nothing to worry about x
when can you start gettign them? im only just over 18 weeks but i had some pains that seemed to shoot around my belly yesterday. i was really worried about them but they lasted about half an hour and then went? x
Ok bh I had a tightening yesterday was putting it Dow. To baby in weird position but my Belly Goes hard thats a bh isn't it?!
Yep sounds like BH you van get them at any time really they start around 12 weeks I read in
My bounty pack but they they get stronger through the pregnancy so normally not noticed till later on I felt
Them early with my second And
Omg by the time I was in third tri they took my breath away lol
Well there you go! It's been so long
I've forgotten everything! Thanks Hun!!! There was thinking baby was in a weird place lol!! X x
I've been having them from about 12 weeks and now my tummy goes like a tight football. It hardens and I sometimes have to stop what i'm doing them and wait for them to pass'

@ Evie_Smith, Why the more the better? I have between 4-8 a day, so this is nothing to worry about?
I've been having them from about 12 weeks and now my tummy goes like a tight football. It hardens and I sometimes have to stop what i'm doing them and wait for them to pass'

@ Evie_Smith, Why the more the better? I have between 4-8 a day, so this is nothing to worry about?

Oh no nothing to worry about it's just the womb preparing for birth "practicing" if you will :)
Ah good good! Think I have an overactive womb! lol
I started properly feeling mines around 18 weeks, but then it was only maybe one every couple of days, now its everyday lol my whole tummy goes hard and into weird shapes! normally it goes squint and you can see what side baby is on :)X

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