Lost my plug


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2005
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I lost my plug this morning :cheer: I've been losing bits of it for a couple of weeks but it's always been clear but today it was the real thing and lots of it (TMI) :lol:

I know it could still be a while before labour starts but atleast it's some sort of sign baby could be on his way soon :cheer: Hopefully anyway :lol:
Yay!! :cheer:
This is a really disgusting question and sorry in advance but what did it look like? :oops:
bhe101 said:
Yay!! :cheer:
This is a really disgusting question and sorry in advance but what did it look like? :oops:

I wanted to ask that too!

:cheer: :cheer:
:lol: It was a lot of jelly like stuff with browny/pinkish blood in it :puke:
Rachel said:
:lol: It was a lot of jelly like stuff with browny/pinkish blood in it :puke:

I read somewhere it is the size of a grape?
Don't think I lost that much :think: but there was alot of it though and I had been losing clear bits for a couple of weeks before today so maybe that's why mine wasn't quite that much :think:

When you lose yours there will be no mistaking what it is there on the paper anyway :lol: Sorry TMI.
I was going to ask the exact same thing :oops:

Is the plug what barracades the sac the baby is in or something??

:cheer: :cheer: Yay!!

I've also wondered what the plug looks like. I remember watching Casualty a few months ago and a lassie lost her plug, she was screaming that a jellyfish was on the floor. It made me terrified! :rotfl:
Yay! Hope your LO starts making a move for you soon :cheer:
This might be TMI for you but mine was like jellyish (Redish/Pink) if you see it down the loo and some bits on a tissue when you wipe looks abit like broken pieces of rubber.
All they kept saying to me in the hospital is that its the membrains, i'm still losing fluid and membrains all the time. (Creamy/Whitey/Clear/Pinkish discharge) just been told this is ok as long as it doesn't go green if it does go straight to Delivery. :shock:
Yeah it's a show :)

Not sure why there is blood in it, all I know is that it seals the cervix while you are pregnant to help prevent infection etc but comes out as you get closer to the birth :)
Any news?

At my NCT classes they said once your plug goes then labour starts from 48 hours to upto 2 weeeks, but generally 48 hours!

Im still here, nothing has happened since :| Think im going to end up overdue with this one :roll: :lol:
I lost lots of plug last week and up to a few days ago. I heard it can replenish :(

We still have time for it to have been a sign though rachel :cheer:
Hoping it's a sign for you hun!!

I lost my plug at about 36ish weeks with my son and he was still 2 weeks late :lol:
Im still hoping it's a sign too :pray:

Been getting lot's of BH aswell so hoping they turn into real labour soon :pray:

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