Lost my plug :(

Call the delivery suit they will probably want you to go get checked
Dont panic! If it comes to it I had my son at 26 weeks 2 days and he is now a perfectly healthy two year old, are you going to the hospital?
It can replenish but definitely go get seen xx
Hi, hop ur ok if i were u id ring hospital asap an go in an be checked i lost my plug one night with no other symptoms was told.to go get checked ot an i wa in early labour they kept me in for two days an tried to stop things an gave me injectons fo babys lungs but i delivered my daughter the day i was 31 weeks if its voing to happen u are best eing up at hospital so they have all equipment ready for.baby after there born as they will need to go to scubu, dnt want to worry u but it could be happenjng early an ur etter off being prepared good luck an hope baby waits a while longer xx
You can lose your plug from fairly early on in pregnancy and it replenishes as you lose it. Give your MW / delivery suite a call just to be safe, but I'm sure you and little Cabhan will be fine :) xxx
I will call them later on and speak to them don't want to go down really as I got admitted last time I have got a bit of belly ache but idk if that's cos I just ate a full punnet of grapes lmao
Could be the grapes or it could be a sign of something else, hopefully not but I wouldnt chance it hun, give them a call.
I did ring them they said it is nothing to worry about just keep a monitoring on my loss by wearing a pad (which I wear all the time anyway due to discharge) and if anything changes like pains and stuff then to give them a call back.. I've had braxton hicks but they've completly worn off now x
I am fine now, I was in hospital at weekend AGAIN! but it was just braxton hicks AGAIN! these 10 weeks can't come fast enough had enough of this pregnancy now, been the hardest thing i've ever had to deal with tbh, Always wondering from day 1 am i going to loose my baby, then from 25 weeks is my baby going to be born, it's just a waiting game now because I have been told off the midwife that I could go into prem labour x
Glad you're feeling better, but it's crap you've been back in hospital!!
Why do they think you may go into premature labour?
:hug: You're doing so well hun, chin up!! :hug: xx
I have had all the signs of preterm labour from day one apparently so just got to keep an eye on things now, I am in for another scan on the 27th x

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