Lost A Twin


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2013
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Hard to explain but...We had no idea I was carrying twins, as only one baby showed up on my 12 4dw scan almost 2 weeks ago, but I bled heavily this morning so hubby took me to hospital fearing the worst.
I had to take along the 'contents' let's just say...and upon examination they confirmed it was a tiny baby, but it made no sense if I was 14 weeks along today and my bump is so huge.
They did an ultrasound and the 'big' baby that was in my dating scan is still there and is perfectly healthy? So I'd miscarried a twin at some point and only just passed it.
I'm confused and upset...I know this forum is for those who miscarried, idk if I count being here if I only lost one I never knew about but...
Idk. I'm sincerely sorry if I'm coming across spoilt or insensitive to anyone...
C has been in a state all day, bless him. I'm just confused and a bit numb.

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Oh no how awful for you! Sometimes with twins, unfortunately it really is survival of the fittest :(. I cannot imagine how you must be feeling, your emotions must be all over the place. It'll probably hit you in a few days when it's all sunk in properly. Give yourself time to mourn and let yourself grieve and then focus on the positive, you still have one healthy beautiful baby to carry.

I was told to mention history of twins when I was at my 12 week scan but I completely forgot! I didn't realise it would be missed like that - my scan was so clear and baby was wriggling about so I just assumed 2 babies would be obvious but now I'm panicking a bit!!
Hi hun I'm really sorry for your loss. It didn't matter you still have a baby inside you now you still lost one so will be upsetting so allow yourself to grieve. I know exactly how your feeling now. I was pregnant and bleeding heavily when I lost my baby but still bleeding heavily so was going for surgery to remove the remaining contents. A change of staff on the morning shift and a new doc ordered a scan saying he didn't think I'd need it with the blood I lost and there on the scan waving away was my now 18 year old daughter. I didn't know to laugh and be happy or cry it was so confusing. I had a baby but still lost one. It's ok to be sad hun and you do belong here xxx
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Thank you hun xx. Not quite sure how I feel about it? Distraught, definitely, but also confused and a bit unreal if that makes sense?
I don't actually know about history of twins in my side of the family, but in hubby's side, they're really frequent on both sides so it was inevitable one day, but like I said we only ever saw one squirming around in there at my 12w scan so we just assumed it was a single baby.
I hope this one survives...Am terrified now. Hubby's in bits over it and he's gotten quite protective of me very quickly since this morning, too. I think he's scared to lose this one too.

Please don't panic; I didn't mean to worry anyone else. I'm sure your little one's healthy and happy :)
Hi hun I'm really sorry for your loss. It didn't matter you still have a baby inside you now you still lost one so will be upsetting so allow yourself to grieve. I know exactly how your feeling now. I was pregnant and bleeding heavily when I lost my baby but still bleeding heavily so was going for surgery to remove the remaining contents. A change of staff on the morning shift and a new doc ordered a scan saying he didn't think I'd need it with the blood I lost and there on the scan waving away was my now 18 year old daughter. I didn't know to laugh and be happy or cry it was so confusing. I had a baby but still lost one. It's ok to be sad hun and you do belong here xxx

Thank you xx
I suppose so...Ugh, I'm sorry, how awful for you :( But amazing that your daughter made it :)
It is confusing? We had no idea there were two in there, so I was a bit numb, like "Oh...Right?" I didn't know what to do or say, but I was really sad about it.

Aww thank you xxx
This happened to a friend she had an early scan confirmed twins but hy the 12 week scan there was only 1... xx big hugs and hope you have a happy healthy remainder of your pregnancy xx
(I'm the hubby shea is referring to :) ) thankyou both for your kind words. x
(I'm the hubby shea is referring to :) ) thankyou both for your kind words. x

Your more than welcome it's what we are here for. This board is amazing at support I think I wouldn't have coped without somewhere to vent. My last loss was July but still I can rant away and get support on the bad days xxx
You most certainly are not spoilt or selfish, do not be sorry for sharing your story and asking for support :hugs:

I have not experienced this myself so i have no real words of comfort or advise i just really wanted to say that i am sorry. This must be a very confusing, emotional time for both of you and you have every right to feel angry, upset, confused and a whole lot more.

So sorry, take care of eachother x
You are not selfish at all. I had IUI to get pregnant and at the early 8 week scan showed twins. One was far smaller than the other and I was told that I had one healthy and strong little bean. It is a strange mix of emotion as you are so relieved to have you bubba but you do feel a loss. Its hard. I had an early mc before and the feeling is still upseting. I was worried about something going wrong with the healthy bean but at the 12 week scan he was still fine and hes here strong and healthy as a 5 month old at the moment! I consider myself so lucky to have my gorgeous son but have 2 little angels as well!
hi so sorry for your loss. I know u were wondering why ur bump was big. Plz be positive you still have a little one inside you so please be positive

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