lost a lip...


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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i've just very close to loosing a lady lip... not nice! I was trying to neaten up my lady bits when i felt a sting... thought it might have been soap in a delicate place.. but when i got out the shower and took a closer look with the help of a mirror... i've taken a nice piece of lip off....

i'm going to have to give up the razor or get DH to help me out... upto now i've been using the feel and shave technique but think this is now becoming dangerous...

what hair remover do you recomend? is nair okay? i just hate the smell of those things and the waiting around for them to work can be a bit of a pain...

If you remove hair that far underneath I'd beware of creams..

It's strong stuff and may sting :cry:

Are you brave enough for a bikini wax?

Get OH on board! Or go au-natrel???

OH says I'm getting so hairy LO will have to sycthe his way out!

'Doctor Livingstone, I presume...........' :lol:

u two are funny lol

i dunno wot i did so i dont know why im posting but to say i love u to xx :dance: :clap:
i know... i do take off too much! well i take it all off actually.. always have done... i'm not a hairy monster so i only usually have to do it once a week... don't think i'm brave enough to have the full lot removed by wax.... DH is going to have to lend a hand...

im sorry but this post made me fall off my chair laughing!
I choked on my apple when i read the title :lol: :lol: :lol:
lol Hayley!!! I'm only laughing because I was thinking last week that I'm getting close to that stage myself!!

My hair grows pretty quickly so I have to shave about 3 times a week. I've not actually done it since last Tuesday because of feeling too ill to be bothered, so it's the ideal opportunity to get a waxing. I'm going to call later today to book an appointment, so I'll let you know how it is after. In fact, I'm going to treat myself because I've been feeling so rough lately. I'm going to also have a pedicure (struggling to contort my body to pain the toe nails now!!) and eyelash tint so I'll at least look half human when I'm in the pool on holiday! My home hair dyes have also gone dodgy colours since getting pregnant so I'm having it sorted at the hairdressers as well. Pamper day for me on Friday!!! :D :dance:
How funny!!!

Well I have a 70's afro do going on in my lady's garden!!!! Im usually such a good gardener but Im unable to see and bend over now to weed it. I will get my DH to give it a trim, I think he may need to get out the Flymo trimmer

My skin down here is so sensitive since becoming PG so I now have a jungle or a rash! Do you use shaving cream to take it off?
Skatty - personally, I use shower gel when I shave any part of my body, but do use a sensitive shaving gel for my bits down there. It makes for a much smoother and easier shave.

Eveadel - my hubby was the one that bought me this!! It was a Christmas present!! :lol:
oh my god what a laugh!!! i thought i was the only one struggling to tame my jungle!!!! gotmy oh to have a go at it but i just got scared!!! i now use a mirror and only do it once a week instead of three times a week!!!
is anyone else worried about it being all hairy on that all important day when we finaly go into labour?!! i keep thinking i should keep it all shaved nice and tidy but then i worry doctor will think im really stupid and vain to keep my fanny looking nice just to have a baby!! how embbarrising :oops: oh well
all these stupid things we have to worry about!

sarah x
Lol you have all made me laugh

I was also using the bend and feel technique until it hurt to bend.

I then asked my partner to shave for me I used to have it waxed but it got to tender.

However would never ask partner again he spent too long for my liking and the following day after itching like mad I took a look with a mirror to find a very wonky line which wasnt worth having and the rash there was nothing left.

Needless to say after several ingrowing hairs and itching it has grown back, decided to leave it and sort it after the birth. :lol:

Sarah x
this is so funny i think i got ht wild living in my jungle by now it is that overgrown.!!!

how do u change the your ticker to the right amount of weeks that u are cause i am 17 weeks + not 13!!!
Any of you ladies tried an electric bikini trimmer???????

I have just ordered one,wondering if they are any good? It even comes with stencils :shock: Not sure if I want to go into labour with a neat little arrow or love heart down there though :wink: xx
oh Hayley you posts do make me laugh! Sorry!!

Sounds WELL painful, I have used my epilator on the basic minimum hair on the side so I could go swimming, by the rest is staying oh-natural!

I have become very sensitive since pregnancy too, i hate pain!! xxxx
oh tankett - the hedge trimmer looks brilliant.. hours of fun...i'm thinking of the games me and DH could try after the baby is here!!!! guess the shape - eyes closed of course!!!! You get fab presents... this and a choc fountain....

i've usually use hair conditioner down there... not as a detangler! i'm not the bad!!! but as a hair softener... makes shaving so much better...
althoguh i've only got a bit of conditioner lef at the moment and my head is a little bit more important!!!!


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