STUPID worries


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2011
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Hi girls,

Looking for a bit of reassurance really. Throughout my whole pregnancy so far I've been worried about various things, as I'm sure all of us have! However, for some reason my worries are now fixating on one certain thing - cold sores.

I know it sounds crazy, and I really dont want to offend anyone that gets cold sores, but I'm getting really freaked out by the whole idea of catching the virus. To my knowledge, I've not had them before. However, after reading a horrible article about a little baby that caught the virus from the mother at around 10 days old, and then died, it's panicking me a bit.

Like, for example, this morning on the train a girl got on with a cold sore on her lip. She brushed past me to get to a seat, and I had to do the same when I got off the train - so now I feel like my coat is holding the virus or something!

I KNOW it sounds crazy. But if I can't talk to you girls, who can I talk to?!

Probably doesn't help that I didn't get much sleep last night and was feeling sick again this morning (after a few weeks of glorious no-sickness!!) I think everything has probably got on top of me and made me feel worse.
I have these too and then I have to calm myself down ( I mostly do this by doing huge amounts of research :) via internet, books, leaflets etc occasionally even the midwife gets a call, and I swear my friend who is training as a midwife must be so peeved at me for all my questions lol!!!

Maybe try and take a breather when this happens and try to think rationally, the story you heard about must be a one is a million chance that would happen try not to focus so much on it.

My latest worry is that I am 20 + weeks and my bump is tiny :) or I think it is compared to some I have seen and I have had reassurances from the sonographer that everything is ok last week and apparently my boy has longer than normal legs so looks like he will be tall :)
Hi Crackers - I worried about everything! One thing I would say to try and put your mind at rest is that if you already have the virus that causes cold sores then baby will be immune. I have the virus but have never had a cold sore, it is dormant in my body and thats the case with a lot of people. Its the same virus as chicken pox and im sure there are cases of fatalities with that, but as with many things, you just have to let it go (i know that's hard - i am paranoid about most things).

I also didn't let all and sundry hold him in the first few months. My Mum and Sister and that was it....people won't think youre mad (maybe they do think I am) if you say you want to wait for LOs immune system to mature.

Try not to worry, cases are few and far between
Thanks girls.

BellaRiven - I know what you mean about research, have been doing loads today! T'internet is telling me that to get the coldsore virus there needs to be skin-to-skin contact, as the virus cannot live outside a "host" for very long at all. So....I'm assuming that means that IF there was any virus on my coat, it'll be dead by now and so not there any more.

Franna - at the moment I feel like all I want to do is protect Bubs and once he/she comes along not let anyone hold them! I hope that this will ease off, as I know a lot of friends/family will end up visiting for a "cuddle". I think I'm going to end up just being super cautious of any bugs/illnesses they may have...

Argh, worrying for our LOs already!
I think it's normal to have all these worries. When I was pregnant with my first I worried all the time that I was going to catch swine flu :wall2: Every time I felt a little under the weather I was convinced that's what I was coming down with and I would lose my baby, or I would die and my baby would live but we'd never meet!!

That is soooo irrational I know, but I couldn't help it.

Once baby is here though, those worries more or less go. You do worry about things obviously, but once those raging hormones are more in check you do get more rational again.

I have this time too, I'm worried about going into hospital and contracting mrsa!! But I know this isn't normal and my brain is not my friend atm lol And once I'm having my baby I won't be worried about that at all, far more to worry about!!
Im a worrier too, my daughter had slap cheek a little while back so my doc took blood from me to make sure i was immune to it, in the meantime i was reading up about it online and convinced myself that i was going to get it and bubba wouldnt survive, the worry drove me nuts. 4 days later blood results in and i am immune.
Its so hard not to worry about things when all you want to do is protect your baby xxx

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