Loss of appetite


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2010
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Some of you may already know how worried I am because I can't find heart beat...with no symptoms (stretching pains etc) and now I have completely lost my appetite.... I could go all day and night with just a sandwich!

Any one else lost their appetite at 16 weeks?

I feel a paranoid mess!
Have u tried contacting ur midwife hun? Its not good getting so worried like this! I'm sure everything is fine, this is why I didn't buy a doppler, I'd drive myself crazy if I couldn't find anything lol, don't worry xxxxxx
Oh hun, it's really not good getting yourself worked up. Do you have/have you had 16 week midwife appt yet?

I agree with LucyB, might be a good idea to get in touch with your midwife, purely to put your mind at rest.

I'm sure everything is fine though. Around 19/20 weeks I started to feel slightly "normal" again. A lot of people at the time were telling me this happened to them around 14-16 weeks, so don't panic hun.

And Dopplers are quite unreliable! At my mw appt on Friday it took the midwife agessss to find Bubs heartbeat, although I could feel Bubs moving around lots so knew that was the reason! At 16 weeks you won't be feeling much (if any) movement, but your LO will be moving around lots too so it can be difficult to pinpoint HB.

Try not to worry too much (easier said than done I know!)x
I called midwife and told her how I was feeling.... I noticed a change in her tone...she sounded uncomfortable with what I was saying made me feel uneasy...then she just said oh stop being silly and wait for your 20 week scan...I felt a bit brushed off
i lost my appetite due to morning sickness and it never came back. i could happily live on odd bits of fruit or 1 meal a day even now but it was much worse at 16/17 weeks. i was barely eating anything at all but i am overweight and have plenty to spare. if your mw isnt helpful either call your maternity unit or the doctors hun to get your mind put at rest as stress is bad for you
Hun its normal, your just in the gap between scans and the baby isn't big enough yet for too much movement to be felt. I was alittle unsure at 10/11 weeks even though I'd seen my baby at 8 weeks. I know its hard and simple for us all to say calm down.

If your really worried what about peeing on a stick just so you have that proof infront of you x

Hugs x I hope you start to feel your little one move soon I'm getting small kicks alot lately. I wasn't expecting them to be so earlier so I guess you should be in line for them soon x
Aw Tee, I really feel for you cos I went through it a bit at 16 weeks, it should be illegal to buy a Doppler until at least 18 weeks!!! Can't say I have lost my appetite as I have been eating everything in sight throughout my pregnancy however as you know I had trouble with finding heartbeat until 18 weeks. Just wanted to add that at my 16 week appt my midwife said she didn't look for heartbeat at that stage as it is difficult to find and can cause unecessary worry if unsuccessful so if a midwife feels that way it must be hard to find! I would stay away from the Doppler if you can for a couple of weeks, I know it will be hard to do but I think it's making you worse. I had left it a couple of weeks as I was too scared to try, tried again at 18 weeks and found it straight away! Xx
Thanks girls you have been very reassuring....I am going to send doppler back on Thursday!
Hehe, I was just about to say you need to send the doppler back, it doesn't seem to be helping with the no worrying thing :)

If you are really really concerned honey ring the maternity unit and see ifthey can maybe give you an early scan :)

I didn;t start feeling Riven move properly until about 20 weeks, so far I am only eating 1 meal a day mainly because I am not hungry but then I get snacky as well so that could be affectingthe appetite, do you eat a lot of snack food during the day?

I know it's been said but please try not to worry, it's not good for you or for baby if your stressed all the time................easier said than done right :)

Hehe, I was just about to say you need to send the doppler back, it doesn't seem to be helping with the no worrying thing :)

If you are really really concerned honey ring the maternity unit and see ifthey can maybe give you an early scan :)

I didn;t start feeling Riven move properly until about 20 weeks, so far I am only eating 1 meal a day mainly because I am not hungry but then I get snacky as well so that could be affectingthe appetite, do you eat a lot of snack food during the day?

I know it's been said but please try not to worry, it's not good for you or for baby if your stressed all the time................easier said than done right :)


I usually have a fish finger and cheese slice sandwich with a pkt of crisps (tut) about 10am lol...then I don't get hungry all day...I do have a few cups of de-caff tea through day. I usually make myself eat something in evening....like now I just had waffles and fish but it went down in lumps... my eating habbits are baaaaaaaaaaaad, I don't do fruit or veg unless I force it down, makes me gag! I'm still taking my preg vits though..
I think mine is definately no hunger due to the snacking lol, I am hoping my appetite comes back soon, I'm still taking the pregnancy vit's too, to be fair I have a lot of at storage and the midwife isn;t too worried because of that :)
hiya i have also lost my appetite and im nearly 20 weeks preg. i think its normal as were getting usto being preg now and the hunger and cravings are settling down x
Weighed myself today and according to my scales I've lost about 6lb! Normally I would be chuffed but now I'm wondering whyyyyyyyy!
Don't worry, I lost a stone before I started putting any back on and I still haven;t regained it either, my midwife says it normal because I am bigger :)
I lost 1 and a half stone in tri 1, and have only just put back on 2lbs!! I also have a lot spare so quite happy to being weighing less still :) xx

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