Loss of appetite


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
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Anyone suffered with loss of appetite after birth. The first 4 days were fine and I was eating all the time, but come last night I couldn't touch or smell food for fear of being sick. I'm thinking thus is linked to my anxiety etc. But I really want to be able to eat as I'm gonna end up being under weight soon if I don't get tge food in.
I have the same anxiety, I'm scared of being sick. Usually I'm ok at eating but yesterday I felt anxious and didnt eat much. I don't know what to suggest.. Maybe its just a bad day and you'll be back to normal again soon?

I think I'm starting to accept the fact that although im alot better, it will appear every now and again :(
I manage to eat a bit...I kinda have to pretend I'm not eating...just shovel it in. The minute I think about it I feel sick..there is nonplanning dinner as it makes me wanna vom.

Yeah I'm scared of ring sick in case I bust my stiches!! But also don't want to faint from not eating. What's worse is that I can't stand up fondling as I get breathless which I think is down to tiredness/not eating?

Pretty sure it's related to anxiety as when I used to had panic attack before going to the airport I would feel sick and go off food. As soon as we arrived at the airport I woul be back to normal and I'd be hungry again. Think my body just doesn't have that switch as it's not sure why I am anxious and therefore is dragging the symptoms on a bit.

I hate how panic attacks make you so selfish. Like how it will make me switch off to Evie or make menferl so sick that I can't change her nappy for the smell. My poor hubby must be starting to get annoyed!

Hopefully when my hormones settle all this will go away.
I hope so SS. I'm blaming lack of sleep for my anxious feelings and I'm sure it will pass once my routine is more normal. It's actually a bit comforting to know someone else is like this!
Other than your anixety, a big lack of sleep will make you not want food too SS. plus, wth a section, you might not want to have to eat lots for a bit, case it causes you hassle at the other end , that happened to me.

Low iron can cause the breathlessness , esp after a blood loss eg the section (I think you had one didn't you?) might want to get checked out, top up iron.

Try to just eat things you fancy while your like this, and take each day slowly, your'll do great
I hope so SS. I'm blaming lack of sleep for my anxious feelings and I'm sure it will pass once my routine is more normal. It's actually a bit comforting to know someone else is like this!

Yeah it nice to know that others have the sane feelings. That being said I want to feel normal again..I hate strugglingto get out of bed cos my limbs feel to heavy. Also hate feeling tired all the time...want to enjoy being a mother, not find it a chore. Plus I want to e able to eat as I don't want to be underweight and it will only make my anxiety worse if I feel weak from not eating.

Grrrr to hormones!
Other than your anixety, a big lack of sleep will make you not want food too SS. plus, wth a section, you might not want to have to eat lots for a bit, case it causes you hassle at the other end , that happened to me.

Low iron can cause the breathlessness , esp after a blood loss eg the section (I think you had one didn't you?) might want to get checked out, top up iron.

Try to just eat things you fancy while your like this, and take each day slowly, your'll do great

Well strangely enough my iron levels were higher than they were at the beginning of pregnancy! I wa readin 12.1!!! So now I am off the iron tablets.

I think having the c-section has made things worse because it's harder for me to get about...would prefer to be a get up and go. Plus there is that added worry of infection and clots and what not.
Sooo bloody frustrating, took me over 30 mins to eat one banana! I seriously hope my appetite comes back soon as I am struggling for energy and can hardly move. Grrr
Promise it gets better with a section, i have low iron therefore low energy if i had the choice i wouldn't eat but this has only come on recently so i think its just because i'm really stressed out and worried as Maisie was in hospital 2 days this week. xx
Yes my appetite has totally vanished. I'm not anxious or anything, I'm just not hungry at the moment!! But hopefully our appetites will return xxxx
Think we have all been the same I am barely eating.. but I forget to make food as looking after my son takes up my time he is clingy and crys alot barely get time to pee let alone make a full dinner for me and my partner :)

I had section too and I think the drugs we end up on don't help towards not eating plus you feel all tight and tense so don't think that helps you to want to get up and move about to get an appetite x
Yeah I agree about the drugs, in fact when I read the leaflet it says that you may experience loss of appetite. Also I think I'm battling depression so I know that affects your appetite. The mid mornings are the worse for me...I'm just hoping I cannovercome it by just talking about my feelings/thoughts...rather than going to anti ds (been there done that a fee years ago).
^^ This has just reminded me that i need to eat breakfast been up for 3 hours and haven't even thought about it xx

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