Loooong naps


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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How much is your baby sleeping in the day?

Brody is 15 months and this morning he had about 2 1/2 hours, and now he's asleep again!
He normally has 2 hours in the morning and 1/2 hour in the afternoon, but if I left him asleep in the afternoon he'd have at least an hour!

I keep telling myself he'll drop his long naps but so far they just seem to be getting bigger. He is very active though and we've been out in the garden and stuff today.
:shock: :shock: :shock:
Alfie sleeps 5.30 - 5.30 back till 7/8 then he has 3 half hour naps in the day!
Dont knock it Urchin at his age still getting a good 2 hours to potter is great!
Arianna doesnt really do day naps unless we are out in the car/buggy!! When she does it's only for an hour at about 3.30pm

She sleeps all night tho so I cant complain.
god you two are lucky keeley wakes up at 7 won't go back down til 10 which will be for 30 minutes then she will have 45 minutes about 3 :?
Thea sleeps for about 2 hours on a morning and 2 in the afternoon. She might cat nap on her play mat too lol
Aimee has a nap at 11am but the longest she has is 1 hour. Usually 30-40 minutes and thats it all day.
Oliver sleeps 8pm until 8.30 am and then has about 30/40 mins in the morning and then after lunch about 2ish he will sleep for 2 sometimes 3 hours - I love it! :dance:
Harrison sleeps from 8/9pm till 7/7:30am has his bottle and plays for around 2hrs then a half hour cat nap and then around 2/3pm he will sleep for around 3/4hrs :cheer: and then wont go back down untill bedtime
Stanley believes sleep is for the weak :bored:

He goes from 9pm to 5am ( and WON'T go back to sleep). He'll always have about half an hour at 10am but beyond that just a couple of 20 min 'power naps' throughout the day
haha poor u minxy!! hehe stanley sounds like a little bugger hehe hehe

Ellis has 2-3 hrs anytime between 1and 3. but he wakes and stirs all through.

Urchin brody sounds like a dream to me!! xxxx
Ewan is 18 m and sleeps from 11.30 till 1.30

although today he's gone for a nap at 10am! hes got a cold though.
my 2 both have the same nap times they wake at 7.30am both go for a nap about 11am Dior wll nap for 3 hours Harley will nap for 2 hours. then about 5pm Harley will nod of for about 20mins

Dior Dior is 2 she sleeps 12 hours at nght then 3 hours in the day!

she can go with out a nap if we go out for the day she will stay awake all day. but she likes her cot for naps
Brody sounds very much like Charlie, he naps 2hrs in the morning and about an hour in the afternoon. Everyone keeps telling me it'll change as he get's older but so far it hasn't and I really don't want it to either :pray: I love having me time :D

yes Elliott naps more than he used to now too- he has between 11-12 hours at night then about an hour to an hour and a quarter in the morning and an hour and a half at lunchtime. Like Dior he can go without if some event is happening and he only sleeps that long in his cot. I think that's about 15 hours a day too.

Thank god though because when he's awake he's full on! He seems to have two modes- on and off and nothing in between!


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