Loola, icandy cherry or Luna.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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Out of these which would you buy?

At the moment I have a quinny Zapp which I love as its so light and easy to push. Its great on the bus as it doesnt take up much room but it doesnt lie back. At first it didnt seem to bother her but now she doesnt sleep much in her pushchair and gets grumpy and tired while we're out. My friends offered me a Luna for £70 but Ive read alot of bad things about it.

How big are these buggys compared to a Zapp?
I would say that they are all huge compared to a Zapp as they are travel systems rather than buggys, have you looked at Mcclaren's? I have just bought a Quest and it reclines into a few positions, folds small, and is really light.
i have the luna mix and its fantastic, rly light and easy to fold down it folds in half so its small. hope u find the right one x
I loooooooooooooove my luna!!! I had 3 buggies and this one is the best! Easy to fold, lightweight, goes completely flat and superb colours! I would go for Luna (but make sure its the 2nd edition or luna mix)!

i can reccommend the loola streety :D i like it more than my sisters luna but do love the colour of hers. Cant compair it to any of the others though as ive never had them
I wouldn't shell out on another buggy just because your LO doesn't seem to sleep in it anymore. My LO got to the point where he was just too interested/nosy in everything that was going on around to sleep, then started getting bored of shopping, so whinges and moans and his buggy does recline. You might end up wasting your money if she won't sleep in the new one either...

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