Chicco / Loola / Graco Mosaic - sorry long - advice please


Feb 15, 2007
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Hi all

Every time I think we're a bit closer to deciding which pushchair / travel system we want we change our minds again!!
Initially I thought I definitely wanted the Loola (the pushchair facing the pusher plus the fact that it folds down pretty small were the features I liked - we've got a fiesta so need something that will fit in a small boot).
Then I started thinking it is an awful lot to spend on something that we could end up replacing quite soon (even though it is one of the lightest loads of people have said that they ended up replacing travel system pushchairs with light weight strollers after a short while). I would also plan to get only the pushchair and car seat, and the shop assistant seemed to think that the Loola didn't go flat enough for a newborn. This is £300ish
So then I started thinking the Graco Mosaic (it also folds up quite small) and is a lot cheaper (£180) - but to be honest, I didn't think this went any flatter than the Loola - even though the assistant seemed to think it did. Also the only 'facing the pusher' option is with the car seat on the top.

Now having left the shop and looking online, I really quite like the Chicco Trio Enjoy Travel system but can't find many reviews nor can I find anywhere that has it in the shop to try it out (everywhere seems to have it as an on-line option only). I like the size the pushchair folds down to (according to the dimensions on the website) and that you get a pushchair, carrycot and carseat with the package for £299 - so pretty much the same price as the Loola (with pushchair and carseat only).

To confuse me even more, I've also had conflicting advice about what is suitable and what is not in terms of the baby lying flat. Can the baby be in the car seat on top of pushchair thing for more than 2 hours?? If you're just going for a walk, can the baby just go in the puchchair from birth?? All the 'suitable from birth' ones seem to go almost flat but the shop assistant had a pretty poor opinion of the Loola - I really couldn't see the difference between that and the Graco - but I'm definitely not an expert.

Sorry for such a long post - I guess everyone was right when they say the travel system is the most difficult thing to decide upon!

Anyway, any opinions / personal experience would be much appreciated
Thanks in advance
just posted but didnt go on, i was undecided, but definitly get a loola, i had loads to choose from was gonna get an i'coo cos Oliver loves music, silvercross, mothercare's own make, but this is so much better.

ask me any question,

its easy to fold one handed

lies flat enough for Oliver who is only 8 and a bit weeks

try a smaller shop for a cheaper price, tell them you can go to mothercare and get it for X give me a better price on loola and access.
i did it and got 20% off.

definitly worth the £184 paid
I have a loola and have used it with Evie from birth, so im not sure what the shop assitant is goin on about :think: . I have the carrycot bit for when she's in the house and sleeps in the living room for naps during the day (and also she slept in that in our room until about 5 weeks old). And we use the car seat on the frame to push her about in when we are out and about. Im not too sure but i wouldnt put her in the pushchair until she can sit up on her own unaided, but pushing them around in the carseat is fine. I would recommend it, although its expensive it is a really good quality pram. :D
Thanks for the advice - I really loved the Loola the first time we saw it demoed and played with it. It was only the second time when we went back and got a different assistant that I began to get doubts. I really don't know why she was so negative about it (but some of the other things she told us seemed b****cks as well so I was pretty distrustful of her from the beginning). It's good to know that the carseat on top of the frame can be used from birth - this was also a point I was not sure about.

Still would love to have a go of the Chicco Trio Enjoy before I make a final decision, but I think it's between the Chicco and the Loola at the moment.


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