
Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2007
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I am 43 this Sunday and am 6 weeks 5 days pregnant ( or was!)
After losing 5 babies through missed m/c;s, ectopic and losing a twin I really thought that this one would stick. I had a scan on Saturday and saw baby and heartbeat and everything looked great. Still having sickness, sore boobs and weeing for England. After TTC'ing for so long I had lots of cheap pregnancy tests in the house. i had done 26 and apart from first few days all the lines were getting darker. I decided to get rid of the last one this morning after deciding I would not buy any more. The result was devasting for me... a very faint line like in the beginning. It was my first morning urine too. i have spoken to midwife and because i have no pain or bleeding I cant get in for a scan til Thursday morning. Deep down I know that this is a failing pregnancy but hubby refuses to believe it until he sees the scan and thinks it could be a faulty test. This obviously doesnt help me. Any of you had this happen and how long before you m/c? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Scarlett :(
Have a few of these first off :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I really don't know if there is anything I can say to make you feel better about your pregnancy test. I've had no experience of using cheap ones, nor of lines fading. It may be that they simply don't work as well after a few weeks of being pregnant, but I would not like to say.

Hopefully there are some others here who can share their experiences with you.

I'm sorry you can't get an earlier scan, but hopefully you can get through the next couple of days till you find out one way or the other.

Sorry I can't be of more help

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I don't want to get your hopes up if your gut feeling is that your pregnancy is failing but my tests got fainter from 7 weeks to 10 weeks dispite me reading that the HCG hormone peaks at 10w but when i had a scan at 8wk to check my baby was fine and fingers crossed still is. so in the end i just threw the tests away because they were worrying me for no reason.

I really trully hope your wrong and if you have no other signs i.e pain or bleeding i would try and hold out some hope until you have a scan.

I'm sending you loads and loads of hugs I hope everything goes ok on thursday.

please don't give up hope yet!

all your symptoms sound promising. i'm sure it's just a faulty test.

im sure this is one of the resons why dr's don't recommend poas after you get your bfp!
I don't have any advice or experience or this sort of thing but I wanted to give you these :hug: :hug: :hug:

I hope the scan goes ok and that your fears are unfounded. It may just be a test with not very much dye in it. I've heard that dye varies between tests.

Thanks for all your well wishes. I decided to do one last test just now. it was a digital one and came up PREGNANT staight away. However straight after I felt something and I am losing brown blood, not loads but on the pad i was wearing. they found a hematoma ( blood clot) outside the sac at my scan and said I would bleed brown blood from it in tthis coming week. Am at my wits end ..I certainly dont do things by half! Am pleased about the digi test but now scared the brown loss will turn to red.
Scarlett x
:hug: :hug: awww hun please don't give up hope yet,
:pray: that things work out fine xxx
:hug: :hug: the brown blood may just be from the blood clot like they told you to expect. dont give up hope i know its tempting but you should never poas when you are pregnant, my friend did this when she was 10 or 11 weeks and she only got a very faint line, that same baby is due in a few weeks time, so please dont give up hope.
when is your next scan?
I remember reading on a cheapie that the test loses effectiveness after HCG reaches a acertain level. Now these cheapies were from Poundland, 3 in a pack. I rember reading this plainly so this could be what has happened in your case.

A x
CHIN UP SCARLETT i did a cheapy test and the line was soo faint, i got another test and did that and the line was really dark!

so dont think anythings going wrong just because the line was faint. get a more expensive test and put your mind at rest, if you are really that worried :)
Hang in there Scarlett :hug:

If they expected you to lose some old blood this week then try not to panic. Chances are its just what they said would happen coming through.

And about the extra PG test, its good it came back positive. Hold on to that. But please stop testing as you'll only make yourself more upset I feel. You do not need to put more stress on yourself at this time.

Try to remain positive, if you are still feeling PG, then there is some hope. Try not to see only the negatives in all this.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

You must be going through agony at the moment waiting for the scan.

I hope everything works out well for you.
Hi Scarlett,

I can't imagine the torment you're going through right now, but try to stay positive as it could just be that your hormones weren't as strong that day or something...

Obviously after the m/c you have experienced you are going to assume the worst, I think we'd all feel like that, but there are so many other factors it could have been!

Please let us know how it goes. Chin up though, please don't feel as though it's all over for you, it might not be :(

:hug: :pray:

Thinking of you..... x
dont loose hope hun, do NOT rely on the cheapies for a result, i only got faint lines with them too

thinking of you :hug: :hug:
Thinking positive for you :hug: :pray: :hug: :pray: :hug:
My tests went lighter, had to go buy a digi to reassure myself, which said pregnant, hope you can relax and very best wishes :hug:
I hope the scan brings you good news :pray:

Sending lots of sticky baby dust your way :hug:

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