Look out Dr here I come!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2011
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Right Ive woken feeling pro active today!
Im making an appointment with my dr for next Tues at family planning. To give you the lowdown on this delightful lady and my past experiences with her.

This time about last year I was over a year off the depo jag and had no period at all. She basically told me I was so obese I had polycistic ovaries. ( got a test, I didn't). She said well you have to loose weight so go do that. I did and became healthy BMI. Came back pregnant at 6 weeks with loss of symptoms. Asked for bloods to be taken to check hcg levels and although nurse agreed she over ruled saying no and basically said the symptoms were in my head anyway it was too early for them.Started bleeding a week later . Early mc. She phoned to say she was sorry maybe I did know my own body!

Spotting every 2 weeks since mc for 3 months so went back. She said can take 3 months. My insistence she checked for infection ( luckily none) Now at 4 months and I have had no af or spotting since May 9th. Gone the opposite way.

Ive made an appointment with her as they insist she is the woman I have to go to. What do I ask her for. Tests or what ? I need some advice as she justs ignores me unless I now make her do something!
That's awful!!!! I can't believe it! How can she treat you like that, she's an idiot!

What I'd say is that she's familiar with your case, tell her she's the expert and you want some answers. Tell her that you may be just another patient to her but this is your life and you want to know what's going on. Ask her what she suggests and is it worth having your hormone levels checked?

Good luck!!!!

yes i agree with joey, put your foot down and demand some answers.

i recently went to docs to discuss my blood test results, when i got in there he said that the test results were accceptable and that my oh would have to go for tests (which i already knew) and that was it he said nothing else i couldnt belive it then i asked how to sort out tests for oh n he said he had no idea n that he would call me. When he did actually call me he said i would have to go bk to the surgery and get a leaflet which has a number to call. i was so angry so next time i go in im going to a.ask for a different doctor and b.demand some answers.

it amazes me how some doctors couldnt seem to care less espically with something as sensative as ttc, to them its just another appointment but to us its our lives and they're the only ones who can give us the answers.

Good luck with your next appointment xxx
Thanks girls! It is so frustrating that so many dr seem to just brush the issue to the side. Mine even gave me antibiotics on the day she took swabs 'just incase'I had an infection. I chose not to take them till the tests came back 5 days later as I knew they could be harmful when ttc! I didnt have anything in the end and could have bern taking antibiotics for 5 days for nothing!!!!!

I feel I need to go in forearmed with what I want done so she has to act. It puts added pressure that we dont need during a hard time. She makes me feel like a bit of a mad nutter who is annoying her. I am not I just want answers!
I think you need to find someone else. Its clear you have no confidence and no relationship with that doc. You are perfectly entitled to tell the receptionist you do not want that dr if it is a big surgery, if not register at a different surgery - recommendations from friends a good way to start, or even neighbours. Registering is as simple as going into the new place saying you want to join there...

Like you say, this process is stressful enough without feeling like that about going to the dr. You sound like you have some genuine issues, and you need a good gp to advise you, not have to go in knowing what you want already.

Good luck!
They can't insist anything of the sort.

Tell them that you want a different doctor and if you have to, you will put in a complaint against her and contact the PCT but you would rather just have your wishes respected.

Good on you for getting your appointment, but if you think the doctor is purposely stubborn about your fertility issues then it might be a bit of a wasted visit :)
Thanks for your replies girls!

Can you just go register at another dr surgery? I was under the impression that you have to be registered with the dr surgery that your potscode depicts. You see my dad was told he couldnt stay at his dr surgery of 30 years when he moved to a new house as his new postcode meant he had to move to another one. He didnt want to but the surgery said he had to.

Im so rubbish at knowing these things!
You are limited a bit as you have to be in a practice area to register, but in most areas, there are at least 2 you can choose from. If you are in their area, you just walk into the new place and join - take your purple medical card if you can find it, but they can do without it.
It does depend on ur postcode but do a search online and it should come up wit drs taking in ur postcode x

And you can refuse to see that dr - see a different dr at the practice x
She is rude and insensitive so valid reasons not to see her again x

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