long cycles


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2007
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hi all just wondered if their was anyone with long cycles too? mine are 37 days.

Yes siree. Mine range from about 42 to 55 days long :(
:hug: :hug: its horrible isn't it!!!! it seems to take forever with long cycles! xx
My cycle is about 35 days though im going by a 28 day cycle and 35 days this month in case i ov earlier. Keeping track of cm. xx
I had long cycles which were around 40 - 45 days. I was concerned this would affect my fertility and spoke to my GP about it. I had a blood test to check my levels and everything was fine...the GP said long cycles are fine, its far better to have a longer cycle that is regular than a shorter irratic cycle.

Anyway, way before we were TTC I was doing OPKs just to get a good understanding of if/when I was ovulating, so when we did start TTC I was pregnant by cycle 3 (I was temping that month too).

So don't worry about longer cycles, the only annoying thing is that you have to wait that little bit longer than the 28 day ladies.

Good luck with it all and hope you get your BFPs really soon!
thanks for replies, i have got some ov sticks and watching Cm yeah at least they are reg, xx
Prior to my my m/c last year mine were around 44 days.
Its so frustating i know how you feel hun.

After my m/c my cycles returned to between 28-30 days. I've never had a cycle that short since my early twentys.

Good luck and babydust to you xxxxxxxxxxxx

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