Long Cycle?


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2007
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Hiya Girlies, can anyone give me some advice please?

Sorry I havent posted a lot since I joined a few weeks ago, have been trying to be cool and not get too stressed yet!! Hmmmm!! :)

Well since I came off the pill last Sept my cycles have been pretty regular about 30 days long, the last one was 36, I put this down to stress i was under in Jan, but today is day 41 and no sign of AF. I think I Ov about 11 days ago so am expecting AF early next week, but this seems along time before Ov. I havent been charting temps or anything but keeping a diary, assuming AF comes when I think I will have had 44 day cycle!
Surely this is too long? What do you guys think? Read an article today about early menopause and I'm getting twitchy about it... prob v stupid :roll:

Thinking about you all, and wishing you lots of luck and babydust (and sanity!!) :D

xx Clarey xx
Hi Clarey

It can take your body quite a long time to settle down properly when you come off the pill. I know lots of people that have quite regular cycles and then the odd one or two long ones. The time from af to O can change a lot but the LP (time from O to af) will usually remain consistent, i wouldn't worry about it too much hun.

babydust to you

Hi Clarey :wave:

Have you taken a test? If this is an usually long cycle, you never know, this could be your month :D Got my fingers crossed for you, make sure you keep us updated :hug:
Thanks, I'm just gonna wait and see what happens this week anyway. just seemed really long!! Don't want any of my girl friends or family to know we are trying and OH isn't much help, so really glad I found you lot!!
Have good weekend
xx Clarey

I have really long cycles also. On average around 37 days. The month i concieved was even longer, i think i concieved around day 32, and then didnt get my BFP until almost 3 weeks later! So good luck, this could definitely be your month!

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