Loner :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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I feel like such a loner :( hubby has got to work 12 hour day shifts at the moment (we cant afford to turn it down) he's been told for maybe 2 weeks, he did first one Thursday. He leaves at 6am and gets back in at around 8pm, then he gets his tea and goes to bed :( He has told work he will not be able to do it next Sunday because we have a 3D scan but he said I will have to take my mum with me to see the consultant on Friday :( i'm gutted! I love my mum to bits, but really wanted him there to hold my hand!
Sorry to moan, just feel so down at the moment over this :( I know the money will be nice and we will certainly need it, but I miss our snuggles in the evening on the sofa and I have certainly missed shopping with him this weekend :cry: I really hope the next week and a half or so fly by! I think this week will be a long one tho as my mum has a lot of appointments with my gran, so wont be down to see me much! Damn I am way to clingy! I used to love being on my own!! X x
Don't feel lonely! You have us. This will fly by, and you'll appreciate him so much more when your together normally again (trust me my OH works away a lot, he was even away for 7weeks last year!!) good luck at the consultant! I know that feeling too, when I had to see the heart specialist he was away so I had to go with mum, it isn't the same but better than being alone! :)

:hugs: I know how you feel hunny, my OH has a two hour journey to and from work so he's out 12-16 hours a day, depending on if he has to do overtime too. I keep getting frusrated coz I feel like me and Amelia never get to see him, but I need to remember he's doing it to make money for the baby... it's still hard though, innit? :( Chin up babe, like Pinky says, at least we've got the forum. It's a shame you and I don't live closer, we could have met up and kept each other company! :)
:hug: you have us hun

I know how u feel, my o/h works away all week x
Hi, your not alone, I know how you feel, my hubby works off shore a month at a time so know how hard and lonely it gets. Least they are out making good money to provide nice homes etc for us and our little ones. It def makes you appreciate them when they are home though! Just come on here and chat with everyone, that's what I do!
I know how you feel..I dont have an OH :( he ran off when I was 6 weeks :( I have to take my mum to my appointments...I miss the cuddles and the support :(

Just think it's not forever :) xxx
I know how u feel babe my OH works from 8am til late seven days a week... He got in last night at 9:50pm which is a regular thing.. The earliest he is home is 8pm :( don't even have time to eat properly with him :( worst part is he doesn't get paid past 6pm weekdays 4pm sat and not at all Sunday's!!

You have us tho babe :hug:

As everyone has said, at least you can still come on here & chat to us!!

I'm very clingy with my OH but luckily he doesn't work away alot, when he does go out for work its long days & he sleeps for ages after. He couldn't make it to our 12 week scan but did the 20wk one. He's not been to any MW appointments either! I dont mind going myself though.

Thanks loads girls :hugs: I am not usually clingy to him, he has worked long hours in the past (and even worked away) and it doesn't usually bother me! But right now it is really getting to me :( I don't get it, i'm never clingy!
Wow Sarah, I would go insane having to go a month without seeing him, how do you do it???

Thanks again girls, so wished we all lived close to each other! I will be living on here for the next couple of weeks!

Now time for a hot chocolate & watch Toy Story, no clock watching! X x x

As everyone has said, at least you can still come on here & chat to us!!

I'm very clingy with my OH but luckily he doesn't work away alot, when he does go out for work its long days & he sleeps for ages after. He couldn't make it to our 12 week scan but did the 20wk one. He's not been to any MW appointments either! I dont mind going myself though.


Thanks :hugs:

Ash has been the same, he made our 20 week scan & consultant appointment but missed our 12 week scan and all my midwife appointments. His boss was great and let him have time off when we had a few problems when I was around 16 weeks. But its a rush job that they are doing and have a deadline, so he had to choose between consultant appointment & 3D scan. In all fairness i'm glad he chose the scan as we booked it as a family thing with our boys.

I don't mind seeing midwife on myself but I am glad I will have my mum with me on Friday, would prefer Ash but its better than being on my own & my mum will be great :) x x
Me too :D loved toy story 3 in cinema took the kids twice lol!! Got all emotional watching it too haha!!
I was crying at Toy Story 3 too - think its coz the wee boy Andy was all grown up, it reminds me of my wee sister, she was only wee when she first watched toy story now she's a 17y/o who goes out gets pissed, wearing massive heels & a lame excuse for a dress

I remember seeing toy story 1 in the cinema with my nan when I was little :)
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I might put it on the list of stuff I need for the baby lol :) x x

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