Logan Paul 17th Jul


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2007
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Well things started for us slowly on the wednesday with my show. that continued on and off throughout wednsday, but nothing else despite going for a walk, eating pineaple and bouncing on my ball.

I still thought things might go that night so sent my DH out for some change for the parking machines at the hospital, i also suggested he get an early night. idiot ignored that last bit and only got to bed at midnight.

woke up at 2 am with a contraction, so went off to the toilet, just as i got to the lino i felt a trickle down my leg. was having a bit more pink discharge due to the show.

came downstairs and started watching Tv and posting on the forum at that stage most of the contractsion were pretty gentle and only a few were enough to make me think i didn't really want to have a baby.

went back up at 4 am and asked my husband to get up and give me moral support. Went back at 4:30 pulled back the covers and insiteted that he get up and put my tens machine on. He asked whyso i snapped at him 'cos i'm in labour' idiot.

Came back down and rang the ward to ask about the fact that i was still discharging pink, they said that was fine and would see me in a few hours by the sound of it.

starting timing contractions and wrote some emails. At 6:30 rang my mum for support (it was 5:30 pm at home so she had just got in from work). they knew i had started cos i had mentioned it in an email to my sister at 4 am and she had snitched.

Had some breakfast and kept timeing the contractions, however the bloody spacebar had given up so couldn't use contraction master.

At about 8:45 i told my OH it was time to go, he said no cos many people go to early and they would just tell us to come home. So we argreed that i would time the next three and if they were all longer than 1 minute and were less that 5 mins apart we could go. They were so i told him we should. He still tried to get me to stay so i yelled at him again. that worked and off we went at around 9 am.

Got to the hospital 5 mins later (and two contractions in the car), bumped into our midwife in the hall way but the labour ward staff couldn't examine me straight away as we weren't expected (the person who answered the phone earlier hadn't taken my details), so went off to a delivery room with a gym ball and my tens still strapped on.

Finally examined me at 10:30 and i was 4 cm so that was two fingers in the air for DH. Telling me i didn't know what i was doing humph.

Kept contracting nicely had a walk up and down the corridor a few times but about 12 the contractions got less intense. The M/W had a feel and said that there were ketones in my urine so was i hungry? I said yes and she went and got me some coffee and toast. I should have questioned why cos ans soon as that hit my blood stream the contractons started again quite intense (beware midwives bearing gifts).

About 1 pm i told her i needed pain releif so she asked me if i wanted a bath. seemed a good idea so i troted across the hallway to get into that (my room was the only one on the ward with no ensuit, but i liked the room so hadn't moved when i could). Stayed in the bath until 2:15, the afternoon midwife made me get out then as needed to do another internal at 2:30. I asked to go to the toilet as i needed to poo but they would only let me pee just in case it was the baby, I had a few more contractions as i tried to dry off, got my t/ shirt on and my husband was down on his hands and knees drying my legs so i could get my underwear on when there was suddenly a gush and my waters went. The midwife was wondering where we had got to at this point and poked her head around the door, we said waters had gone so she asked us to come back into the room now, i just trotted over (waddeled more like) bare assed, she said she would try and sheild me to protect my dignity, i muttered i had none.

Examination confimred waters had gone and that i was 6 to 7 cm dilated. I was so dissapointed, i had hoped they would say 8, so i saidi i couldn't do any more as it hurt to much, they offered me gas and air whihc i couldn't agree to fast enough. I rolled onto my side and started inhaling. My Dh at next to my head and kept talking to me. I heard the more senior midwife say to the junior one she thought i wuold deliver soon. that gave me hope cos i thought they meant 5 minutes, no they meant a few more hours, damn it.

the senior one had to go to a meeting and i got another one to look after the junior one. I was still breathing away really happy, i was trying to only breath the G and A during the contractions, but decided theat hurt more to do it that way, i think cos i wasn't starting back on the G and A soon enought so i just decided to keep breathing on it all the time. They told me i should take it out between contractions so i dropped my hand away, but hooked it behind my teeth so when they tried to take it they couldn't get it (a very good tip for those still to pop).
Also started to think i was at the christmas party as they had put a flannel on my head and it felt like those silly party hats you get in christmas cracker and also felt drunk. but remembered in time where i was. they said if i felt the need to push i could so decided now was the time for my revenge of not being allowed to go to the toilet earlier.

At about 3:30 they said i had to stop G and A and start pushing. I rolled onto my back (not a good idea cos it does hurt a lot that way), but i just couldn't be bothered to move by now. I was concetrating on getting in three pushes per contraction whihc helped cos i had something to think about.

I could feel the baby moving down as i kept pushing and was getting encouragement from everyone there, i was also screaming yelling and grunting (there's one on every labour ward), they told me i would have a sore throat the next day (whihc i did), but did i let that stop me, hell no.

As it got close they told me to go for 5 pushs per contraction and that they could see the head but that between contractions it was going back up, so i told them to get some forceps and when they could see it to 'pull the bloody thing out' big meanies wouldn't.

Anway the head came out and i had to start panting, next thing i know there was a baby on my chest (it was now 4:30). I was in such shock i just keep staring at him thinking hmmmm newborn babies are very grey aren't they. Also he wouldn't stop crying and i really wanted him to shut up. My Dh was also crying at that stage so no help there. It seemed he was crying for about 20 minutes, but i am sure it was less, my Dh cut the cord as thye gave him a bit of a rub with a towle.

the placenta was delivered 15 mintes later naturally after one contraction and was all intact.

Unfortuantly i had a second degree tear and two grazes. They had thought it was a third degree and so had to call the registrar who was like i'm going to have to insert my finger in your rectum, does the dignity ever end????

Stitching up took about 30 minutes luckily i had more gas and air for that (bliss) while my DH held him and i became fascinated to have an innie belly button once again. Might have been quite high on the G and A at that point.

we managed to start breast feeding about 1 hour after birth and someone latched on quite well. Actually he sucked so well that the midwife said he should be called Dyson.

went up to the ward at 8 pm and the first night was horrific. I was still on an adrenaline high and every timed he wimpered i was staigth out of bed to see what i could get him, but he slept really well bless him.

Anway he is a link for some photos and a video hope you can all access it.

http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/paulhargr ... nB8GQZm0l8

Sandi and Logan.
Awww he is soo cute, lovely name too!! Great birth story :cheer: x
congrats! and your story made me giggle... gas and air is fantastic isn't it!
Your birth story had me giggling out loud in some parts.

Fantastic and congratulations to you and OH he's beautiful.

:hug: xxxx
One of the best birth stories I've read, you have such a dry sense of humour and I can really picture you yelling at your OH :rotfl:

Congratulations hun he's beautiful xxx
Love your birth story, congrats on your LO :cheer:

He looks so small in his car seat, he's gorgeous :D
:rotfl: I've never laughed so much over a birth story! Some parts of that were hilarious!! Remind your OH to not come ANYWHERE near Sandy when I'm due to give birth lol it's easy for a man to say "wait a while" :lol: Sooo funny.

Anyway, he is absolutely beautiful! You looked so well too!! :cheer:

Congratulations on gorgeous little Logan xx
Great Birth story...Congratulations on your beautiful boy :) :dance:

p.s have to add, that was hilarious!! Loved it lol
Congratulations, hes lovely :hug:

What are the headphone thnings on his head, or are they just headphones, im clueless

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