LO has Conjunctivitos :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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Ma lil boy has viral conjunctivitos :( he also has a cough an a cold which caused it.
It suppose to go within 3-5 days hes had it for 3 but if he has it all over weekend then i go and get something to help his eyes thats what they told me at the doctors
They go crispy then like liquid in his eyes an hes even woke up with sticky eye lashes its horrid to see an my baby likes to see who can see him but when his eyes get bad he can only hear. :( hope he gets better soon xx
Bless him. My boys get it quite often. I must admit I think it bothers us mammy's more than the LO's. Some antibacterial drops will clear it up in no time but until you get some, cooled boiled water on cotton wool to keep his eyes clean will give him comfort :hug: xx
hope it clears up soon x
Hope it clears up soon. :hug: to you both.

AJ has had it before and it constantly looked like there was gunk in his eyes. Once we got the ointment it cleared within a few days. We also cleaned with cooled boiled water and cotton wool.
apperntly we got to wait basically 5 days if it gets worse then to get the ointment :( but i think they said because of his cold an its viral thats why hes got it :L.
His eyes seem alot better this morning as i wiped them lastnight but hes got a stinking cough :( he not long had a cough an now hes got another grr lol x
Hope it clears up and he's feeling better soon. Drake has a cough and cold with watery eyes too, bless him he woke up all crusty all over his face. Awful seeing like that isn't it?
It is horrible i hate it that he couldnt see the other night, although before he went sleep the other night we cleared his eyes with warm water an toilet roll an done his eyes he seems abit better today but it still hasnt gone cos its started to go like rusky again on his eye lashes an when it goes like liquid it sticks on his eye lashes its really not nice to see and i wasnt expecting it either. His cough is bad but doc didnt say anything about it other than its viral. does viral mean infection or just virus conjunctivitous??
Poor Drake :( :hugs: xx

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