Littlemiss Ur a star!!

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Ur commitment to sleep breads sleep on here has really worked for me! Iv been anxious for wks because Will has always slept thru and worried too much day sleep would upset that.

But recently he's been really miserable during the daytime (he's teething too!) but the past few days iv put him down for a nap 1.5/2 hours after a feed and if he wakes after 20 mins I resettle him which I wasn't doing before. Result = very happy smiley baby!! Xx

Next challenge is getting him to nap outside of the buggy carrycot :roll:

Aww thanks pos. I suppose my commitment is coz I went thro all my 1st LO's baby years not knowing about it & honestly thinking that was the reason she slept thro the night, she was always grumpy daytimes but put it down to grumpy baby.

It took ages to work with kayden but i was determined coz he was always grumpy anyway at first he fussed the whole of nap time & didn't even nap, now (no joke...) I put him down & he closes his eyes straight away!!!

I'm having a dilema of where the naps should be too. Even tho i dont want to...i need to start putting LO down for day naps in cot (just now its in buggy) but he just will not nap in cot at all.

Oh and re-settling is easy once you get your head around it, its so hard when they smile & chat to you

Yeah I'm using the buggy too and really need to get him to nap elsewhere xx
But where tho?? I'm thinking....cot is out of the question incase it confuses them buggy is a pain (for me) and no other sleeping place....sheets/duvet on the floor maybe??


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