little worrier here...


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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Evening ladies..

At the weekend I felt all positive and just felt that i was going to have this baby...

the positive thoughts have subsided a tad and now i am just so worried......what if i haven't got enough lining for bean to snuggle into...with having light periods...but then people fall pregnant when they are on the pill and so surely then there wouldn't be much lining either?

do you think i am just being a worrier...?

my symptoms seem to have subsided a tad but maybe its cos my body is now adjusting to the hormones but also maybe now i know i am pregnant, every little thing is not as obvious, if that makes sense?

I been getting twingey feeling in lower tummy just to the right and got an achy right leg...and still very hungry....boobs still feel full but not quite as obviously tender...

please reassure me ladies...i know i cant stop a mc happening again :( xxx
Hey Hun ,

I know it's not much to go off but my worrying subsided when I did the digitals and seen then change from
1-2 , 2-3 and then 3+.


yeah, i have ordered some more so will do some at the weekend...xx
Throughout this pregnancy my symptoms have come and gone. I feel your worry, I really do. It's so frustrating isnt it? Can you phone your epu and see if they will give you an early scan in a copule weeks? I am sure all is fine with boo boo :hug: I know there is not much that any of us can say to make you feel better, I felt exactly the same as you and pea is doing well, so no reason to think that boo boo won't be the same :hug: xx
Awww you're going to be fine :hugs:
If it makes you feel better, my periods were stupidly light at 3 days with only the middle day having any real blood there. I was on the verge of asking the GP about it when I got my bfp. Please don't worry, but go and ask the GP if you're worrying because worry is rubbish xxxxx
My periods are very light they last a few hours and i only need 1 pad then its over. Im pregnant with my fourth so dont worry about your lining. Im sure everything will be ok.
My periods are very light they last a few hours and i only need 1 pad then its over. Im pregnant with my fourth so dont worry about your lining. Im sure everything will be ok.

thank you ever so much :D

i'm going to go and see the gp next week to let them know we are up duff

going to ask if i can have an early scan at about 6 weeks...if i cant get one on nhs...i will just pay for one. xx
midwife today told me that many people dont get symptoms at all and if they do they come and go! id do the couple of digis an watch them go up. have u got the option to get an early scan if u think ul feel better? xx
just done a cheapie and line is darkest its been all week :) and thats with late afternoon wee after lots of wees!! xx
midwife today told me that many people dont get symptoms at all and if they do they come and go! id do the couple of digis an watch them go up. have u got the option to get an early scan if u think ul feel better? xx

im going to try and get one hon. congrats on your news....thats amazing xxx
I think that's Really normal to feel normal, I've been there too but try not to let the paranoia take over. Def ask for an early scan as you are worrier from having an MC before. Also I got an early scan as I said I had some right sided pains and they wanted to rule out an eptopic pregnancy.really try and relax, as with us all the PG Is in the lap of the gods but the odds all being well are hugely in your favour :) xx
if tests are coming up darker as week has gone on thenthats really promising! fingers crossed for u x
I'm a bit worried as well, but I just push the stupid thoughts away and try to stay positive. My symptoms come and go, I sometimes feel a lot of twinges, and sometimes not. You've probably seen my lines, and they're not superstrong yet, but they're there, so I've decided to try not to worry. Will test again on Friday when my af is due, and hopefully I will have a superstrong line than:) If you ever need to talk, just pm me!

Dont worry hun you are very normal being worried!! I didnt get my symptoms till 6 weeks so dont worry if they come and go at the min im sure you will feel their full force soon!! ALso every woman and pregnancy is different so you might be lucky and not have many!!
just done a digi and it shows 2-3 weeks now!!! yipppeeeee

I maybe did ovulate 2 weeks yesterday so the wednesday and not the thursday....either that or my hormones are just going mad!!!!

made my doc appt today and i cant get to see him til 19th july....i will be 6 and a half weeks then!!

I guess thats ok cos they dont do much this early on anyway do they....hopefully he will refer me straight away for my reassurance scan....fingers crossed.. xxx
It's true symptoms come and go it has done with me but at 6wks they seem to be here to stay!

I'm sure all is fine but do what I do, take one day at a time, you'll be fine. Xx

Also your not alone with the worry just rest and take it easy xx

Congratulations xx
i do feel quite positive again...especially with the lines gettin stronger again...

in fact...just had a little chat to my did that last i must be feeling more positive xx

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