Little spots on baby's face


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2006
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My 3 week old baby has developed these little spots on his face. was worried it was a rash but looks more like lots of little white heads. are they milk spots and what does that mean? should i get this checked out? he seems ok other than that, though not fed as much as normal on feeds. i am currently breastfeeding.
They are called milk spots though I don't know why :?

I was told it's really just your baby getting used to the atmosphere outside the womb and a mixture of hormone changes. He was floating in water for 9 months remember! :lol:

Stanley had loads for what seemed like ages but they do clear up eventually.
yep, Ditto everything Minxy said. Louie had a few & they clear up after a while :hug:
yep hope had these they wont take long to clear up xx
Yep! Finlay had them too for a bit.

I'm breastfeeding, but if i go out OH will give formula if needed as i just can not express enough. If this happens milk spots appear again, which Health Visitor said was the change in milk!


Sarah X
yeah Logan had this too. I was told it was baby acne probably casued by my hormones! Bless! It took a while for it to clear (4 weeks) and he still has "break outs" every now and again.... :( we just kept his face clean with water and used aqueous cream to wash him in the bath.
Aaliyah had these but the milk only had little to do with them...cotton wool is the main culprit for her skin, after i stopped using that most of the spots went away and just left her with a few which must have been normal milk spots. I think its when you dry them with a dry peice of cotton wool, fibres get left behind and irritate the skin.
Isaac had these too, just at the time when we were ready for visitors.

They do go after a few days and are nothing to worry about.
Yep Rhys had this too. I was told it is baby acne and is due to hormones balancing out. He still gets one or two every so often. When I washed his hair I did it over the bath before puting him in thee instead of while he was in it so the shampoo or bath stuff doesnt irritate it.

Just in case you were still wondering - these milk spots are caused by the Oestrogen in your milk (hence milk spots)
I know this post is old but hey :oops: I'm slow!
Hmmm I asked the HV about this today as Debs has them, and she said it was the change from the womb environment to outside. Debs had them all over but they're mainly on her face now, and should clear by the time she is 10 weeks.
Katie has spots on her face, neck, chest and head. They spread slowly since her birth. The health visitor said they are hormonal from breastfeeding and will clear up when she stops. Last wk she prescribed some cream for dry skin, but I haven't been using it much because her skin seems much softer again..
Isn't it weird that all HV's give different info - I checked with my doctor and he said it was the Oestrogen in mum's milk - but I'm beginning tio wonder :shock:
Euan has them also and they look quite angry at times. I am also only using aqueous cream to wash him. Hopefully they will clear up soon.
I was told that they are ok unless they turn in to little blisters which is when you would need to get them checked out.
Hi Laura,
Just an update on spots which our little men have. It seems Euan has baby acne which is quite common in little boys and is to do with the hormones passed to them during the last weeks of pregnancy. The rash looks like acne a teenager might have. Apparantly it clears up by itself. You can find more information about it if you look up baby acne on the internet.
Hope this helps.
mrsT said:
Isn't it weird that all HV's give different info - I checked with my doctor and he said it was the Oestrogen in mum's milk - but I'm beginning tio wonder :shock:

LOL I know what you mean. My eldest had loads of them too and it couldn't have been the Oestrogen in my milk because I didn't breastfeed!? :rotfl:

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