little britain!


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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i love this show and i was wondering which character is your fave :cheer:

im very partial to the cripple in the wheelchair who isn't a cripple. :rotfl:
i loved it when he climbed a tree and when the carer noticed he was up there he told him he had fallen into it :rotfl:
Daffyd (sp) is defintely my fave & his outfits are second to none, loved the one where he 'came out' to his mum as she was ironing his kinky all in one rubber suits :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Also, saw them live at Nottingham Arena: and have to say they truly are fabulous!!!!!!

Love love love Little Britain!!!! :cheer:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

i LOVE little britain :D

yeh andy is my fav 2 :rotfl: he is sooo hilarious :rotfl:

quite like that guy who fancies the prime minister, i think hes called sebastian?? hes funny 2 lol :rotfl:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotfl:

Also Daffyd, cannot stand incontinent woman and progectile vomit woman.

Catherine Tate - Nan Taylor, What a fooking liberty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is classic me!!!!

(oh crap, I'm a telly addict!)
Emmylou said:
Daffyd (sp) is defintely my fave & his outfits are second to none, loved the one where he 'came out' to his mum as she was ironing his kinky all in one rubber suits :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Also, saw them live at Nottingham Arena: and have to say they truly are fabulous!!!!!!

Love love love Little Britain!!!! :cheer:

ooooooo i forgot the only gay in the village!!!! yeah i love him too! i love how he says mafanway (sp) and that tight red outfit he wears is great! :rotfl:
Emmylou said:
Also, saw them live at Nottingham Arena: and have to say they truly are fabulous!!!!!!

Love love love Little Britain!!!! :cheer:

I saw them at Nottingham arena to, it was pretty good, especially the bit at the end when everyone walked out thinking it was the end and Daffyd came out.

I think my fave has to be Daffyd to.
hayley_17 said:
I quite like that guy who fancies the prime minister, i think hes called sebastian?? hes funny 2 lol :rotfl:

Oh yes Sebastion ---- I LOVE Sebastian too!! Hilarious!!

I'm with missac when it comes to incontinent woman and projectile vomit woman.......bad taste!!

Ooh - I forgot Bubbles de Vere too!!!! Darling :lol:
Oh yes bubbles is wicked!!
Daffyd rocks tho! Gotta love the outfits!!
i love the travel agent " computer says noo" :rotfl:

and the video rental scenes... lol !!
Love the show...

I have to go with Lou & Andy, Fat fighters, Bubbles and Sebastian oh and of course Daffyd! :rotfl:
OHHHHHH i lurv this show

fav is defo the cripple :rotfl:

nothing beats when they were at the swimming baths.. remember???

his careers talking to the life guard saying he might need a bit of help getting his disabled friend in and out the pool etc etc in the back ground the cripple jumps out his wheelchair in his swimming pants climbs up to the top diving board does a bomb in to the pool swims out and when his career turns around hes back in his chair :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

and the smuff one :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

and i like the woman that cant talk until her phone rings

errrr errrrrr errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I love weight watchers woman margery i think.. Dust... :rotfl: :rotfl:
Jayceesmumma said:
I love weight watchers woman margery i think.. Dust... :rotfl: :rotfl:

and they way she cant understand any thing the indian lady says and just assumes its all "curry" :rotfl:
i loved the episode where the old woman thought the scottish neighbour was saying porrage and brigadoon! :rotfl:
budge said:
i loved the episode where the old woman thought the scottish neighbour was saying porrage and brigadoon! :rotfl:

that was catherine tate on thursday dinkus!!
Ive got all 3 series on dvd, love Little Britain :D

Favs are Vicky Pollard as DD is so like her and her mates (well I hope she doesnt end up with 6 kids too!) Just the way they speak and dress. DD's nickname is Our Chav :lol:

Also love Andy "Dont like it" and one of DD's stick insect mates does a very uncanny version of Marjorie!
missac said:
budge said:
i loved the episode where the old woman thought the scottish neighbour was saying porrage and brigadoon! :rotfl:

that was catherine tate on thursday dinkus!!

yeah it was! :rotfl:
oooo i love lil britian!!

theres a shop in tod and there just like the scene were the man shouts up to his wife about different things and u get a reaction after a minute. its soo ufnny, i go in asking for stuff just to see the "sketch" haha
Ive seen Little Britain live at Birmingham NIA and they are just so funny.
I love all the characters so its hard to pick out just the one

I do like the Trael Agent one as i work in one and i just wish i could do some of the stuff to some of my annoying customers and also the amount of people that come in and say the computer says no is just really annoying after a while but still funny at times

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