Listen to this!...


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2005
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Today I got a letter from my Health visiting "team" (whoever they are) :roll: To inform me that children no longer have a 2 year check up and kindly gave me a leaflet telling me what to expect from a 2-3 year old.

My HV "team" haven't set eye's on Isaac for a long time and I take medication for panic attacks and anxiety. Although the doctors check on my I could be doing anything to Isaac and nobody is checking! What the hell? No wonder children get abused and even killed in their own homes!!! I think its disgusting. and the leaflet is absolute nonsense!

We don't get one either. I got a the same leaflet and it said if Aaron isn't do certain things to contact them and they'll make an appointment if needed. They haven't seen Aaron since he was 7 months old. I think they only bother if you don't turn up to jabs after their 7 month check up. It's bad really.
i got it to and sed they could do the check over the fone so i rang them and i said i shall be making an appointment for them to see Braydon as i want to be 100% certain he is ok lol
Don't worry too much - according to Josh's red book (he's 14 next week) he's missed 3 check ups now - preschool, mid primary and pre high school (I'm guessing they don't even exist in the books now) They change the guidelines all the time - actually, according to his book - he didn't have a 2 year check up either...and I attended the health clinic with him so wouldn't have missed an appointment :think:
I havnt had a letter or anything yet and jordan will be 2 on xmas eve.
I complained to my HV as Aimee hasn't been checked by anyone since she was 8 weeks old and she came out and did a check on Aimee and Nathan together. She said to me that they just do a half way to school check now but its with lots of other kids at the same time so its not even 1 to 1 :?
it just a way for them to save money
i tried ringing today to make my 2 yr appointment as Bray WILL be seen, and guess wot my HV has been on long term sick for 3 months, Nice to be told :rotfl: so they gave me a number to another one and she is now retired
there doing really good haha
Havent heard anything from my HV since 26th Oct..Fynn was born 9th Oct! She visited twice between these dates..on the last visit she was here for 5 mins she weighed him and then rushed off saying that she would ring me in 2-3 weeks and if I wanted him weighed again to go to some centre..havent heard anything since and its the 9th Dec now!

I rang them up last week to ask a question about something and queried the visits...the woman on the other end of the phone said that my HV is so busy she has 'probably forgotten about you'... she asked my name to pass onto my HV but I declined to give her it...if they can forget about us they can sod off... I think they are bloody useless anyway!
Sorry...I went off on a rant there! :oops:

I even forgot I was in the 'older children' section..and I dont have an older child! :?
Foxxi said:
Sorry...I went off on a rant there! :oops:

I even forgot I was in the 'older children' section..and I dont have an older child! :?

:rotfl: It is so frustrating. I can see how abused kids slip through the system and nobody notices. Its scary really. And as for them red books, they're not worth a light! The HV said they don't update them anymore. Well why print them then? what a waste or time and money :roll:
I think thats terrible! If we didnt have all the checks down here stephen wouldnt have been diagnosed as quick and I alwasy see our hv every other week as she comes to my house to weigh Imogen so i dont have to go all the way to town, and its on her way home. I couldnt imagine it being any other way - im way to used to seeing health professionals down here.

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