Linea Nigra


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2010
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I was just wondering when this shows up? I think ive got a faint line already but i cant be sure if im imagining it?

Also belly buttons, when have they popped for you? I know not all do.
Mine is sort of a half inny half outty at the moment, just wondering when it will make up its mind!
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Mine appeared at 38 weeks along with about 20 stretch marks overnight!!! Was gutted.

My belly button started to stick out at 7 months.
I don't have a line at all yet.

My belly button is was very very deep because my Mum hated outties so much she used to prod ours in when we were tiny!! It's now very very shallow so i'm hoping it'll go flat rather than pop out! :) x
Believe it or not, my line made me take my test!!! I was pregnant in the May last year and it started to appear at about 5 weeks then I miscarried at 6. It went back to normal within the week and then in August I noticed it got much wider and much darker so I tested and it was a BFP!!! My midwife was shocked I had it so soon but put it down to me being darker and maybe that's why it came earlier!
i've heard that too lexus, a friend of mine is brazillian and very dark skinned and here line came up at about 15 weeks. is it sad tha im jelous and want mine now? lol
Hahaha! Why dya want it ya nutta! I suppose it is very symbolic of being pregnant but you have a beautiful bump to show that! Someone at work told me thy scrubbed theirs off with a foot pumice as she hated it! Can't imagine that's good for ur skin! Lol
haha what you like jodie! bless you you make me laff,

errm i didnt get a line with my first and my belly button came all the way out at about 7 months :)
i havent got a line and dont know anyone thats had one.

my belly button has been out for ages though. from about 15 weeks. xxx
I think mine came about 20 weeks, I've still got it now as well! Does it ever go away?!
My belly button didn't pop, was really dreading it happening as well so am soooo happy it never happened!!!
I think mine came about 20 weeks, I've still got it now as well! Does it ever go away?!
My belly button didn't pop, was really dreading it happening as well so am soooo happy it never happened!!!
my belly button is still in for now looks like its on its way tho lol

Not got line yet either and didnt with my first so dunno bout this time xx

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