Likelihood of retaining pregnancy tissue?


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2018
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Hi all I'm looking and experience you might have had with retention of pregnancy tissue.

I had medical management of a miscarriage on the 20th Feb, baby dated as 10wks 5days when the heartbeat stopped :(

Was told to test after 2 weeks and if positive then to get back in touch with the ward as i might be retaining product. I've been passing what I can only describe as thick, stretchy dark brown mucus/lining/liver looking stuff :/ with occasional pink blood. But it's only really there on wiping.

What experience do you all have of this? Could the stuff I'm passing just be uterine lining and the positive because my hCG is taking longer to reduce or is it more thank likely because I still have tissue left over?

If I could upload the test to show you the line post 2 week miscarriage i would do. But don't know how :/

TIA xxx
It sounds more like blood clots and old blood mixed with mucus. The pink is watered down new blood. Tissue is light colored, More white, light grey, light pink or tan. This is a bit gross but the best way I can think to describe it is like small bits of raw chicken skin. Liver is blood clots, although there can sometimes be tissue inside of a blood clot.

How dark is the line? It could be a sign of retained tissue but its not that unusual for hcg to take a bit longer to go back to 0, especially as you were almost 11 weeks along. If you are concerned by all means get checked but try not to stress about it. I had a natural MC and it went quite slowly. I was loosing small amounts of tissue for about 4 weeks. Technically I maybe should have had a scan and some medical intervention but I spoke to a MW about it and said after getting that far I would rather keep it natural if I could. She said to keep a careful sign out for signs of infection, like fever or discharge with bad smell but that even when it takes longer there are not usually complications, they just like to be safe. My hcg finally went back to zero 5 weeks after and I got a positive OPK a couple of days later although I was still spotting.
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Hi thanks for the reply. I'm not sure how to upload photos. I keep trying but it's failing to load :/

I rang the ward who have arranged for me to have a scan tomorrow. So will know for sure then xx

Yay I've managed it!!


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Hopefully it's just being a bit slow. Although even slow is super frustrating when you just want to get back to 'normal' again.
Hi sorry you're going through this. I had a miscarriage around 6 week mark and it took about 2 months for the HCG to drop and test negative so it could just be that so don't panic just yet. The things that came out of me were horrible. All sorts of colours textures... my early pregnancy unit actually told me to bring some tissue in when I passed a massive lump so perhaps if you give them a call they might suggest this? It's not been long though has it so it is probably all natural and fine. My next AF was also pretty gory. If in doubt just call them. They get this all the time and it's their job. I'm sure they will be happy to help
Just thought I do a quick update.

Went to the early pregnancy uni today for a scan. According to the midwife I'm retaining a substantial amount of pregnancy matter, 53mmx35mm in fact. So I'm back tomorrow for either another go at the tablets or for D&C.

I've had no signs or symptoms of retention other than the odd brown discharge as mentioned. But whilst I sit here typing I'm beginning to get period type pains. I almost hope it happens now, naturally. I Just want this over and done with now :'(


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Sounds like a good thing you went for the scan. I hope it is resolved soon. The cramps could be a good sign. I remember dreading getting my BFN when my MC first started but by the time it came I was so happy and relieved to see it.
I feel so sorry for you. I hope you can get closer to the end of this tomorrow! I will be thinking of you

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