Light sleeping


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2005
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Not sure if this is a first or second trimester thing, but as I'm still in here (just!) this'll do!

Is anyone else noticing how light they have started to sleep? I've always been the only one that the postman/dog/milkfloat/binmen/rain/wind/thunder/birds wake up. Both DH and daughter are oblivious once their heads hit the pillow. But the last week or so, every tiny sound is waking me. And then I can't get back sleep. Last night, the longest I slept was 45 minutes at any one time. :shock: It isn't his fault as he has a bit of a cold coming on, but DH was snoring most of the night. Not a really loud throat/belly snore, just a little nose snore that norrmally I would have slept through. But last night I couldn't. Everytime he started, I woke up. I then laid there gently nudging him until he moved, and managed to get back sleep again, but a few minutes later, he'd start again.

Is it just me? Please tell me things will get better (even if they won't, just lie to me!!!!). I'm not that tired at the minute, but I have a few busy evenings this week so I know I'll be flagging by the end of the week if things don't change.
Thought it was just me. I am not sleeping at all. I fall asleep and within minutes I am awake hearing things outside. I am tired but only in the mornings I wish I could sleep it is really doing my head in and the more I try to sleep the less I do.

It better stop at somepoint!
Erm ...

Hate to tell you this but it's even crapper in the second tri ... im getting up to pee ALL the time ...

Everything feels SOOOOO uncomfortable, and the best nights/longest nights sleep i have had in 3/4wks was last night ...

I slep for 3 hours straight .... Enjoy :D :D :D
No body can lie anymore I dont know. Oh well looks like we are in for a great time tankett!
HAHA wait till you get to the third Tri!!!! Even more crap! Peeing every half an hour, can't get comfy, can't breathe.....hang on.....why am I doing this again? :roll: :lol:

I didn;t sleep last night really, but I have a 2 months old who wears me out normally so I have no trouble sleeping yet!
:lol: :lol:

Oh Tankett.. do you feel better for reading all these responses? :cry:

Yes I too would love to sleep better but as I get up to pee about 5 times per night I just don't ever feel like I have rested.. and my cats even get fed up with my fidgeting and sleep on OH's side as he does not move from his starfish position.

I have always been a light sleeper but this is verging on insomnia and bloody annoying!!!
LOL ...

Anna marie, sami ... apparently we were ment to lie lmao!!!

Yes tankett dear ... you have the best nights sleep EVER in the second and Third Tri ... :?

You never need to pee, everything is sooooo comfortable and you can roll around the bed as usaual!!! NOT!!! :D :D
hmmmm sleep whats that think i may have slept once or twice in the last 6 months lol these days its sore hips that keep me tossing and turning all night lol xxxx
Hi Tankett

I'm afraid that this must be a pg thing - I go to sleep straight away when I go to bed but then am waking up at every slight sound, to go to the loo ot with baby kicking me when I am in an uncomfortable position for it. Last Tuesday I woke up at 3am and layed awake till it was time to go to work :(

DH is getting a cold, so I have asked him nicely if he will sleep in spare room tonight I can't have any more noise to hear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I too suffered from restless\light sleeping since about 10 weeks, the bests night sleep I'd get was when we went visiting relatives I think I found the airbed comfier (bad spelling).

Then we got sky+ and an extra box in our bedroom I got so sick of OH complaining that I got in the way of the t.v everytime I moved ( couldn't get comfy) so we decided to swap sides, since then I've been getting the best night sleep ever, weird,
I think that it could have something to do with the fact that I can sleep on my left side without having him snoring in my face lol,

so now I'm getting a good night sleep and plus apparently sleeping on your left side is better for the baby (bonus).
[Tankett quote]Thank Imogen, I don't actually have any trouble sleeping yet, just up at least twice for the loo! But luckily I can get straight back off to sleep. And I'm not uncomfortable in bed at all, in fact, I could just crawl there now!!
sorry had to remind you of something u said .... think i have jinxed you hun??? :) :) :)
C'mon girls it aint all that bad!!!! Ho Yes it is!!!!!....... LOL - sorry Tankett but the others are right it only gets worse!!!

From October onwards I didnt sleep all the way through the night once. Constant Peeing was the main problem - in fact I was so concerned about how many times I was going I wrote it down - on an average night I would go every 20-30 minutes and then have to go work all day - awful. The worst of it was that I would get the feeling of wanting to go in between actually going - a tickly pain as if I had held it in for ages. The M/W kept checking for infection but it always came back clear. I carried very low though with Heidi so maybe that was why.

Then theres the habit of not falling asleep till the early hours of the morning and then sleeping in the day which really messes up your body clock not to mention disturbing everyone else in the house. My D/H had to sleep on the settee for about a month before she was born - as he just didnt get enough sleep when he shared a bed with me, and I kept moaning at him and the dog about how uncomfortable my bump, back and bladder were!!!!

In fact when D/H fed Heidi all the way through the other night - that was the first night I had slept all the way through since end of October!!!!!

Good luck Hunny!

L x
Why did I ask the question!!!! :shock: :?

Last night was a bad one too. I had to get up at 1am because I was that hungry I felt sick. So after something to eat and drink and an episode of Bones I'd sky+d, I settled down at about 2.30am for the rest of the night on the sofa! Couldn't be arsed to walk back up stairs to get into bed!! When the alarm on my phone went off at 5.30 though, I realised I'd actually had 3 hours of unbroken sleep!! Hurrah!!!
Hiya Tankett,
from about week 5 to about week 10 Iwas a zombie, couldn't settle, really uncomfy, drifting in and out of sleep. It was a nightmare! Since just before 10 weeks I've been getting up to pee about 1-5 times during the night ( sometimes I walk to the toilet in my sleep! God knows how I've not fallen down the stairs!) but apart from this I've managed to sleep through.

Since the end of last week though, I have been having the worst nightmares ever, last night I woke up screaming ( really freaked out Che!) They all involve me and the baby (which is always a boy!?) and one of us gets murdered or seriously hurt! :shock: It's really freaking me out!

Anyone else having bad nightmares like this?
Sam, how horrible for you. I haven't had any nightmares just really strange dreams. The other night though I had the best dream ever, Me and Nigel Harman getting it on (he dumped Sharon to be with me :lol: ) Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yummy! :lol:

A few nights ago I dreamt that I gave birth, there was a couple of twinges, two pushes and out popped my little boy all clean and fresh, don't know what all the fuss is about!!!!!! :lol: :lol:

On the sleeping thing, well, how I function every day is a small miracle. My poor DH left our bed a while ago now & sleeps on a mattress on the floor, I have to lie in the middle of the bed with a pillow each side of me so when I turn over which is every couple of seconds (my back & groin hurting AGAIN!) my belly is supported! I can't wait until I can sleep and not pee constantly (not at the same time :shock: )

Nicki.x :D
Sam, I've not had the nightmares yet, just very vivid dreams. But I do remember one awful one when I was pg with my daughter. Before I was with her dad, I was in a very violent relationship with a horrible man. We had split a few weeks before I met Kayleigh's dad. Anyway, one night not long before she was born, I dreamt that he turned up and told me that the baby was his and if he couldn't have her, then I couldn't either and then punched me. It was a real uppercut right to the bottom of my stomach, and I woke up screaming that the baby was his and not OH's, and also that the baby was dead! It was so real, I can even remember the horrible feeling now. :(

I think this is just another fun part of pregnancy!
Ho hum...

Bad dreams.. not so many but yes very vivid ones.. about 4 or 5 per night [in between all that peeing!]

It really is a drudge to wake up thinking its 5 am and its only 11pm.. I have been in bed fast asleep for only 2 hours.. then across the freezing landing to pee, back to bed and 1 hour later still awake and peeing again!! Very frustrating. I did sleep well on Sat night [only peed 3 times.. must be a record so far!] and woke up at 10am.. lovvvverrly..

But hey girls.. at least we will be prepared for all those night time feeds!!


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