Not sure if this is a first or second trimester thing, but as I'm still in here (just!) this'll do!
Is anyone else noticing how light they have started to sleep? I've always been the only one that the postman/dog/milkfloat/binmen/rain/wind/thunder/birds wake up. Both DH and daughter are oblivious once their heads hit the pillow. But the last week or so, every tiny sound is waking me. And then I can't get back sleep. Last night, the longest I slept was 45 minutes at any one time.
It isn't his fault as he has a bit of a cold coming on, but DH was snoring most of the night. Not a really loud throat/belly snore, just a little nose snore that norrmally I would have slept through. But last night I couldn't. Everytime he started, I woke up. I then laid there gently nudging him until he moved, and managed to get back sleep again, but a few minutes later, he'd start again.
Is it just me? Please tell me things will get better (even if they won't, just lie to me!!!!). I'm not that tired at the minute, but I have a few busy evenings this week so I know I'll be flagging by the end of the week if things don't change.
Is anyone else noticing how light they have started to sleep? I've always been the only one that the postman/dog/milkfloat/binmen/rain/wind/thunder/birds wake up. Both DH and daughter are oblivious once their heads hit the pillow. But the last week or so, every tiny sound is waking me. And then I can't get back sleep. Last night, the longest I slept was 45 minutes at any one time.

Is it just me? Please tell me things will get better (even if they won't, just lie to me!!!!). I'm not that tired at the minute, but I have a few busy evenings this week so I know I'll be flagging by the end of the week if things don't change.