Light periods after miscarriage :(


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2014
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Feeling super fed up.
Now just had my 4th period after miscarriage. The 1st one was heavy but I guess that was just a 'clearout'. The next 3 have all been super light.

I'm used to my period lasting 5-7 days with at least 2 heavy days at the start. But on these last 3 I've had 1 heavy day and it's not even been that heavy. Also I've had zero cramps. By day 3 there's no AF anymore.

I've spoke to my gp who wasn't concerned but obviously I am because if my periods are light then surely there isn't enough lining there if sperm did happen to catch an egg. Is there anything I can do this cycle to help my body possibly build a better lining?
Sorry to hear your sad news, sending big hugs :hugs:

My periods were always super light, 2-3 days where even if I didn't use a tampon or pad it would be fine, and I was able to conceive and hold a pregnancy to 34 weeks.

The heaviness of a period is not directly related to the thickness of the endometrium (lining) - on ultrasound this is roughly the same thickness in all women. The heaviness is caused by bleeding from the small blood vessels in the womb when the lining has shed, hence things like fibroids or polyps can cause more bleeding.

Your blood clotting ability is increased for up to 6 months after a pregnancy as part of the body getting ready for labour and trying to prevent a major haemorrhage, so this could be playing a part.

My consultant also told me there is some recent research out suggesting that women's fertility is increased for the first 6 months after a miscarriage/stillbirth compared to background population, so this may be reflecting your body becoming 'more fertile'.

I hope this helps to reassure you and hope this is your month!! x
Thank you xx

Good to know but still worried of course :(

I'm starting to feel that it's a load of rubbish that women are more fertile after a miscarriage, we've dtd at the right times and it's just not happening again. I can't wait another 4 years for a bfp :(
Sorry you're feeling crappy Millie. Life just isn't fair.

I can't relate to the miscarriage but I've noticed a similar change since having the polyp removed and have the same worries about lining etc :(

My periods were like what you describe before. Now they're like what yours are now but I still get the cramps on day 1. Dr Google tells me it's still perfectly normal but I can't shake the feeling. Have booked an appointment for the GP in a couple of weeks as I've decided I want to be referred to a fertility clinic again and I'm gonna ask about it at the same time. I think they'll say it's fine but I'll feel better having asked the question. I think normal covers a wide spectrum.
I know not the same but my first 3 periods after the pill were really short (like a day and a half), and really light, often too light for a tampon. Fourth cycle I tried acupuncture and baby aspirin and that period was much heavier and lasted almost 5 days! Sorry you're going through more on your journey, really hoping this cycle is the one xxx
Thanks for the replies ladies xx

I wish the Gps were more helpful as they often have no clue at all!! They'll say something fine or normal when it's not!

I need to pick more baby aspirin up, I haven't used it in a while now, maybe it will help?

Cd6 and I've been crampy yesterday and today, I had a bit more bleeding cd4 in the evening.. but no more.
It's rubbish. I just want to have normal periods again.
Hi millie its crap! Im still waiting for first period following mmc almost 6 weeks ago now. I think i ovulated 15-16 days ago so af should be due now. Neg hpt. Had pinkish cm when i wipe so thinking af will arrive but really annoying as not sure when to class cd1 and whether it will get heavier!

We spend so much of our time bot wanting af to arrive and i want it to arrive NOW so i can move on!

Sorry youre going through this. Asprin might help....worth giving it another go hun x
My periods have always been light and short, barely enough to wear a pantyliner with almost no cramping and no clots. Two days of very light flow and then two days of spotting. This cycle it was different. I had one day of medium flow (the first time in my life that I had to change pads twice in one day and sleep with one), TMI ALERT there was also a very strong metallic smell - I have never had any smell whatsoever. Then CD2 nothing. Not a drop. That evening with a bowel movement I spotted brown. I had four days of very light spotting. Still cramping (CD11 now) AF like cramps, weird muscle pulling lower abdomen and back and bloated beyond what I consider to be normal. I'm hoping that this is just another post bc symptom and that it's not anything to worry about. :hugs: wishing you the best Millie :dust:

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