Light period or implantation bleeding?


Active Member
Jun 21, 2012
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Hi ladies,

I'm sure this has been asked sooo many times before but I'm getting in a little state about it.
So I'm CD27. Ovulated on the 19th, CD 18 and today I've been getting a lot of AF-style cramps and I've just noticed spotting.

I usually have 30-31 day cycles so this would be very a 26 day cycle if it was a period. But it could be?

How will I know if it's implantation bleeding or if it's :witch:?

And also, when is the earliest I can test, not sure how long it takes for HCG to get into the urine?
Hiya hun, so that would make you around 9DPO is that right? If it is implementation then that would make sense timing wise. You may have to watch over the next day or so to see if the spotting develops into bleeding or stays just as spotting. You're still a bit too early to test just yet but give it another couple of days and if you have a sensitive test it may show a BFP if you are pregnant, some people show on 11DPO but then for other people its weeks after! So I guess it just depends on your own body... I usually try and hold off testing until 14DPO but that takes a lot of patiece ha, if you are curious test over the weekend :) xx
Hiya hun, so that would make you around 9DPO is that right? If it is implementation then that would make sense timing wise. You may have to watch over the next day or so to see if the spotting develops into bleeding or stays just as spotting. You're still a bit too early to test just yet but give it another couple of days and if you have a sensitive test it may show a BFP if you are pregnant, some people show on 11DPO but then for other people its weeks after! So I guess it just depends on your own body... I usually try and hold off testing until 14DPO but that takes a lot of patiece ha, if you are curious test over the weekend :) xx

Thank you SO much for your reassuring reply. Yes, I'm 9DPO (I should have said that before!).

I will take your advice and test on 14DPO... or maybe the 13th.... ;)

I guess for now I need to try and just adopt a 'see what happens' approach rather than stressing. :) I keep going to the bathroom every few mins to check the spotting situ, haha!
I had IB with my son, but it was literally just one spot the size of a 10p in my undies (sorry tmi) and that was it - this happened midday on 10dpo and I didn't get to test until the evening of 13dpo, but it came up straight away and wasn't a faint line, so you may get a faint line 12dpo - but more certainly 13 or 14dpo.

good luck
Well make sure you keep us informed when you are going to test + the result! FX for you xx
Thanks guys! Well I feel even more confused. Last night I had the WORST cramps I've ever had. I've never had af cramps that bad...but are implantation cramps likely to be that severe? My bleeding has got heavier(ish) today but still light. And usually it's really heavy by now. And it's still brown/dark pink. So now I don't know what to think. I'm pretty sure I'm out now.

Can't believe it. Had so many yucky symptoms this month that I never get - like horrible heartburn, constipation, cramps, the lot. Ah well. :/

Edit: I'm out. Blood has turned red now and it's got heavier. Feel pretty disappointed but it's only my first month #ttc so.... better luck next time, eh?!
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Feel for you hun! The same thing happened to me this month, except carried on really light, and just old blood. I ended up doing three tests, just to make sure. It can be so heartbreaking ttc! Hope it happens soon for you, good luck xxx
Ahh hun really sorry to hear that :( thats rubbish... were you definitely 9DPO when you first got your lighter bleeding + therefore you have a quite short luteal phase or do you think you may have ov'ed earlier than you anticipated? xx

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