Life and Kids...who can manage?

Tiny Sue

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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Is it just me or is anyone out there feeling tired ALL the time?

Only up now because my head was pounding and I wanted to take a nurofen before I went back to bed.

Have a pretty full schedule with rehearsals for an hour or two twice a week, teaching full time and taking an adult student on my own time once a week as well as being Mom. OH working 3 or 4 12 hour days a week too, don't even have a cuddle most mornings any more.

As a result I'm tired most evenings, all I want to do is crash, and OH is the same. It's all we can do to keep the ball rolling.

Plus a lot going on on the family front.

I feel so pants. If we have another child next year like we've talked about, I think I'll just have to crawl in a corner.

You have to get out and do, right? I don't want to drop drama and stay at home, I'd go mad.

And then, nobody around in here that I used to know, so nobody answerin my posts. :(

I'm nice, really.

awww :hug:
Take comfort in the fact you're not the only one!
I'm tired and pregnant but I was tired and non pregnant before :D

I'll answer your post :hug:

I believe that you're nice :)
Awww Sue there are still people here that you know...loys of people are just busy.

It does sound like you've got a lot on, could you not reduce your hours? or what about having one night a week set aside for YOU time? Or once a month organise a nice romantic night out (or in) with OH.
I am feeling constantly tired as well, but I don't feel I should be. Ellie is fantastic in that I only get up to feed her once during the night and she is in bed by 8pm and I get her up at 7:30. I tend to go to bed about 9:30 most nights, and get up at 6:20 in the mornings, so I don't know why I am so tired. I go back to work on 8th Jan, makes me wonder how I will cope then.
:wave: I'm still here and I'm shattered!!!

I think it gets harder as the winter nights draw in. It does get easier as kids get older, as they're able to do more stuff for themselves, something as simple as feeding themselves their own breakfast is a huge relief.

awww hun i dont work a quarter of wot u do and im always tired so i do sympathise

I feel like such a moaner!

Guys I am totally sorry for having my wee moan. We all have two jobs really! I really HATE when ppl who come up to me, ask me what I do and when I tell them that I teach, they say (and I actually got this from someone) "Oh, one of those part time jobs, I'd love to be you!"

It's half eleven at night and I just got up from the floor having made an A1 size Advent calendar for my class.

Part time! :rotfl:


:hug: :hug: :hug:

Thank you so much for answering, and for saying that I'm nice. (I am!)

Love and hugs to all of us who feel tired all the time.

im always tired reduce myself to tears sometimes trying to do too much i dont think anyones perfect i bet every mum gets tired hope u feel better soon take it easy xhannah


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