LH surge?


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2006
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Hello again!

I've been using opks for at least 7 months now and I've never had a true positive, I've tried several brands but its always the same. The pic below shows 5 days worth of tests 2 each day except the 28th...


It looks like my LH surge must have happened somewhere around 26th in the morning, but it must be really short as I've never caught it yet!

Should I assume these are close to positive, surely it must be close to then? The rest of the month I get clear negatives like 28th

Thanks for any opinions! :)
Hi Kitty yes if I were you I would take it that you ovulated on 26th or between 26th-27th. Alot of women have +ive opk's for a full 24hours or more so they will always see a +ive every month. However I dont, I'd say my lh surge lasts up to 12hrs and no more and last 2months I've not seen a +ive. But because I've been doing opk's for 4-5months I can see a pattern (like yours where you build up from nothing and work back down to nothing without seeing +ive) and know that I've peaked. Plus I have ovulate pain on the day with the darkest lines too.

So I'd go with that as your +ive and try to find a pattern so you can work it out every month.
Here are the OPKS I had done near OV time, as you can see I got my positive on the third one although it wasnt very dark. I personally thought I was going to get a darker one the following day but it was pretty much negative by then.

Cool, thanks girls

I know some say the line has to be as dark or darker, but sometimes its pos even if only part of the line is dark!

I'll stop trying to get the perfect result and try and find a pattern! :lol:

I used tests for the first time this month... We had planned to baby dance every other day as advised from girlies on here... just made sure we did it more when the line was darker on the tests.....

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