LH Surge


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2007
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Hi Ladies..

Just wondered if you somonen could help...

I started testing for ovulation last tuesday, i got to friday and ran out of tests and couldn't decide whether or not to get some more so anyway i bought some CB digital ones in a sale today and i've just tested and i got my little smiley face.. Well the thing is we done the dead last Wed, Thursday, Sat, and im wondering now, if the LH surge would still show even when its too late to try?? Im thinking of jumping on him as soon as i get home to make sure.. :lol:
Because i didn't test sat and sun i dont know when it would have first reached so i dont know if i've caught it on time?? Im feeling like im ovulating now, cramps and bad back....

Does anyone else know???

Sorry to go on, just wish i had bought them on friday... :wall:
tbh deep down u know your body is tellin u wot to do. if u feel like you need to try another nite then go for it. jump on him when he gets home lol. you've got nothin to lose and everythin to gain. happy humpin lol
haha... Do you know how long the LH Surge will show up on a test? also do all those times i done it wed, thru, sat count? is there a chance of falling pregant before you get your LH surge.. Just feel like weve given it a really good shot this month and i dont want ot have missed the most important time...
theres always a chance but the best chance is when u get the LH surge (positive opk) but i dont think of it as the 24 hour open window i like to think of it as 4 days fertile time. meanin 2 days before ovulation (u may not get a positive result) the day before ovulation (which u should get a result) ovulation day, and the day after. so if i was you i get bdin tonight and tommorow.
I will do then... at least then hopefully i will have given it my best shot this month...
Get to it girl!! :cheer:

Got my smiley face today too...been bd'ing everyday for past four days just to make sure...I love this part of the process :)
Well i went home last night all ready for jumping on him and get this.... He was too tired.. no way... Does this mean i've missed my little window now? cant believe him... really upset today...
Your LH surge denerally shows up for just under 24 hours. You most fertile in the 3 days before and the 24 hours after

Good luck :D
so does that mean doing it wed, thursday, sat, still mean im in with a chance or not likely??
Yes - saturday is within the 3 days.

The safest way if you don't have any tests is simply to bd every other day around your fertile time. Then you can't miss a fertile period :D
Yeah i know that but try telling my husband that.. He tells me he wants a baby and then wont perform when i need him to the most... Kinda feel like its not gonna happen for me again this month now....
Tie him up and badger* him until he isn't tired!! (not that I endorse forced intercourse at all :wink: )

*tease, kiss, bj, use your imagination :)

No, in all seriousness, like Libs said, you should be fine, Saturday is within your range! :cheer:

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