letter to your unborn child

jayla's mummy

Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2007
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hi just wondering if any one has throught about writing a letter to their baby. i started doing one today it just says how i feel about the pregnancy and how much i love them. i didnt even really think about what to write every thing just kinda came from the heart. i was thinking that i could give them the letter on their 16th bday or something. its just one of them precious things that you do.
I think all i woud say is how muh i love her and her brother and there loved like no other child in the world.
the other day i was going through my pregnancy diary and its just for me.
i felt like i wish i had of written a whole diary for me baby, from the start,
but mum did suggest writing him a letter and giving it to him when hes 16 or whatever,
i think i may do it the day he is born.
I think that is such a lovely idea writing a letter or a diary. My mum has a diary of when she was expecting me and reading back in it i was a bit of a problem pregnancy - din't get much better as a grew up !

It is so nice to read what she was feeling - what foods made her poorly how much i kept her up at night. It really is a lovely idea
yea what a good idea think imight do that too, ive got a pregnancy diary but not been fillling it out everyday kinda forgot am weeks months behind. writing a letter acn fit it all in tho :)
There is a 2 page space in my baby's first year journal for a letter written to the baby. I've not started it yet but know I want to include how we are both feeling, how much we both want him and love him, he'll be such a treasure in our lives etc, our hopes, dreams and wishes for him etc. Hopefully in years to come I can give him the journal and he'll actually like reading through it.
I've started a letter to Maddison. i just add to it as the pregnancy progresses telling her about scans, when she started kicking, when her daddy first felt her etc :hug:
thank you all for your posts youve all got lovely ideas. our babies will love it in years to come.

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