Less movements and also feel uncomfortable


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
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Hi guys,

I felt really uncomfortable driving today, felt like I had an even huger bump in front of me and my arms had got shorter which was making it difficult to reach the wheel. All in all very uncomfortable drive, just couldnt get comfy which then got me aggitated. I have also felt really restricted where my lungs are. Even changing Jacks nappy I was struggling to breath when bending down/over. Feel like someone is giving me a massive bear hug and wont let go.

Also, and this is whats concerning me a little. I have felt less movements. I was worried last night in bed as it didnt hurt to lie on my back like usual and it just felt like baby wasn't there any more. I didnt wake up as much in the night to change sides and there is definitely significantly less movements.

Last week it felt like I had a footballer and an acrobat in there but not this week.

I have noticed on my ticker is says about having less space to move around so that could be it, would you ring the mw anyway???
If you are counting your movements and have had the 10 I'd not worry overly. Or start a kick chart now and see how you go till bedtime (10 in 12 hours iirc so if you only do it for 6 and get 5 good movements then :) in my book)

My LO had (and still has) days and also nights in a row where was much quieter, and still is. Often just because was kicking into my placenta but other times just quiet. Livens up again within a couple of days usually. And yes, room is running out, but also might have changed position totally.

I usually have a cold drink, go lie (or sit) and rest my hands on my tummy and I can usually feel LO in there gently squirming round. Also don't forget as room runs out they go from kicking to wriggles and squirms which are not as noticeable especially if you are moving round and so on. I don't really notice movements then at all but if I really do concentrate on noticing them when moving myself I find I can.

If you feel the need to call your MW then of course do so. Often though LO's spring back with a vengance soon enough.

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