Less likely pregnant, more likely just sick!


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2008
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I feel like crap on a stick today!

My throat is burning and I ache all over (not just my boobs :lol: ) and I am sooooooo tired!

So I'm guessing all the aches, pains etc were not pregnancy symptoms - just a cold or bug on the way!

Damn :evil:
awww get well soon, i hope its symptoms!!
Wellllllll...at the risk if giving you false hope, newly pregnant ladies ARE more apt to get sick b/c their bodies are busy with other things......... I've got my fingers crossed for you, hon! :hug:
yeah can i just add i fel like total crap when i got my bfp! its because our immune systems are reduced so our body doesnt get rid of the baby as it will be seen as a foreign object
Remember how I was before I got my BFP hun? I said I was getting the flu but it wasnt :wink:
I hope your pregnant, I think im comig down with somethinfg, feel all hot and headachey
There's a lot of it about hun! Hope you feel better soon xxx
i felt really sniffley and achey around the time i got my bfp last month. good luck hope ur preggas! x
hope it is cause you're preggers (either symptoms or ill cause your body is too busy to keep away the cold)

Hope you feel better soon whatever it is. Know how you feel though. I felt fine this morning, got back from work at 1 and felt knackered - now I have what you do. very snuffley, freezing even though i have 3 jumpers and a fleece over me and all achey and pins and needlesy and a couple giant spots showed up just to make sure I look as rough as I feel. :rotfl: bleugh for illness!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Awww fingers crossed for you hun. It would be so lovley if you are xx
Thanks hun - feeling really grotty today!

Sat on the sofa feeling a bit sorry for myself - and just cried my way through the Sex and the City film (oh dear!)
Sorry you're still feeling rough, babyblonde :hug:

Is the Sex and the City film good? My mum's just bought it me for Christmas. Well, I bought it myself and then told my mum she could give me it as one of my presents :lol:
I wouldn't say it was fantastic - but it was definitely watchable!
Hope you do get your BFP this month hunny! And it had better be sticky too! You sooooooo deserve it! :hug: :hug: :hug:

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